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词汇 writer
例句 Turner is a writer and critic.特纳是作家兼批评家。The travel writer describes his wanderings in this book.旅行作家在这本书里描写了自己的漫游经历。The writer gets no immediate feedback and simply has to imagine the reader's reaction.作家没有得到即时的反馈,只能想象读者的反应。He's a writer of remarkable ability.他是个才华横溢的作家。I certainly never expected to become a writer.我当然从未期望自己成为一名作家。It's a writer's prerogative to decide the fate of her characters.决定作品人物的命运是作者的权利。The novel made the young writer.这部小说使那位青年作家一举成名。He's a writer of horror stories.他是恐怖小说作家。Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer.艾丽斯·芒罗以文风沉郁闻名。The writer lost his muse when his wife left him.妻子离开后,这位作家失去了灵感。In the next chapter the writer focuses on the topic of adoption.在下一章作者着重讨论收养这个问题。I disagree with the doctrine that the writer's life and intention have no bearing on his texts.我不同意作家的生活和意图与其作品无关的学说。The truth is, I'm a failed comedy writer really.事实上,我真的是个很失败的喜剧作家。As a writer she is certainly worthy of admiration.作为一名作家,她当之无愧地值得人们尊敬。The interview was a baptism into journalism for the young writer. 这次采访就是对这位年轻作家从事新闻工作的考验。He hasn't yet decided what direction he should take as a writer. 作为一个作家,他还没有确定到底应该怎样发展。He decided to leave the company to strike out on his own as a writer.他决定离开公司,自己去闯一条写作的新路。He thinks of himself as a good writer. 他认为自己是个好作家。She has a first-class brain and is a very good writer.她头脑相当灵光,是一位非常优秀的作家。The writer takes well-known fairy tales and gives them an ironic twist.作者运用讽刺手法对家喻户晓的童话故事进行了新的诠释。The candidate was quite unexceptionable, a well-known travel writer and TV personality.候选人是一位知名的游记作家,也是电视名人,基本上无可挑剔。She was a struggling writer aspiring to fame.她是一个艰苦奋斗、立志成名的作家。She was a famous writer and wit.她是位著名作家,妙语连珠。As a novice writer, I'm very interested in this.作为初涉写作的人,我对此很感兴趣。Now that he's a writer, he regards his difficult childhood experiences as grist for the mill. 现在他成了作家,把儿时的苦难经历当成了自己的写作素材。She's a writer, actress, and producer all rolled into one.她集作家、演员及制片人于一身。His comments can illuminate aspects of a writer's work unforgettably.他的评述能阐明作者作品的各个方面,令人难忘。I read about the writer's suicide in an evening newspaper.我是从一份晚报上读到关于那位作家自杀的消息的。Yasunari Kawabata was the first Japanese writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.川端康成是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的日本作家。A good writer avoids obscurity of language. 好的作家总会避免使用晦涩的语言。He has long since been recognized as a great writer.他久已被公认为是一位伟大的作家。He considers himself to be a great writer.他认为自己是一个伟大的作家。Among his influences, he places Wynton Marsalis and writer Stanley Goode.说到对他有影响的人,他列举了温顿·马萨利斯及作家斯坦利·古德。He is a very famous writer in this country.他是这个国家里很有名的作家。We are honored to be working with a writer of his stature. 我们很荣幸能与声望卓著的作家共事。He is a writer at the height of his powers.身为作家,他正值事业的巅峰时刻。A famous female writer maintained that this year's composition topic stultified the students' imagination.一位知名的女作家认为今年的作文题目让年青人的想像力变笨。Enjoy a taste of Italy with writer Valentina Harris.和作家瓦伦蒂娜·哈里斯一起来感受意大利吧。The writer builds up a clever contextual picture of upper class life.作者巧妙地构筑了一幅上流社会生活的背景图画。The writer manages to walk a tightrope between good humor and poor taste.作者在高雅幽默和粗俗玩笑间找到了平衡。




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