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词汇 writes
例句 In spite of his age and infirmity, he still writes plays and novels.年迈体衰的他仍然坚持创作剧本和小说。The appeal in the pictures is undercut at times by what the artist writes about them.画作的感染力有时被艺术家的描述性文字所削弱。She writes about the joys and heartaches of bringing up children.她描述了养育孩子的欢乐与悲伤。She writes a weekly column for the paper.她为那家报纸的每周专栏撰稿。She writes fluent French.她写的法文很流畅。He writes with a pretty turn of phrase.他行文潇洒自如。He writes simply and clearly and without ostentation.他的文字简洁明了不加粉饰。When she writes, she always keeps a dictionary at hand.她写作时总放本词典在手边。He writes every week without fail.他每周都写,从不间断。She writes articles for many magazines.她给很多杂志撰写文章。She writes novels with very predictable plots.她写的小说情节都很好预料。She writes about the moral decay of our society.她描写的是我们社会道德的败坏。He writes with increasing sophistication on the subject.他写这个题目越来越得心应手。He writes incidental music for plays.他给剧本配乐。He writes songs that people can really relate to.他写一些真正能够引起人们共鸣的歌曲。He writes in a very illiterate way.他文章写得很不通顺。He writes beautifully, as befits a poet.他文笔优美,适合当诗人。You could categorize her as a poet who writes fiction.你可以把她归类为写小说的诗人。Rollins is most admired for her poetry, but she also writes fiction.罗林斯最受仰慕的是她的诗歌,但是她也写小说。She writes a monthly column for the magazine.她给这本杂志每月一次的专栏撰稿。Winik writes with great candor, which has won her a wide following.威尼克的作品十分坦诚,使她赢得了广泛的支持。She writes very clearly.她的字写得很清晰。He writes on political issues.他撰写政治文章。This pen writes well.这笔写起来很流畅。In her autobiography, Doris Lessing writes about her childhood in Zimbabwe.多丽丝·莱辛在她的自传中写到她在津巴布韦度过的童年生活。Not everyone who writes in can be invited for interview.并非每一个写来求职信的人都会被邀请参加面试。Any journalist who writes a story without checking his facts is simply laying himself open to criticism.任何记者如果不查明事实就报道出来,实在有可能使自己招致批评。The Manager always writes everyone's duty on pieces of paper and has them plastered to the blackboard.经理总是将每人的工作写在纸条上,并且黏贴在黑板上。He writes perfectly grammatical English.他写的英文完全合乎文法。She writes exclusively for New York Times.她专门为《纽约时报》写稿。He writes with intelligence and wit.他写文章富于才思,措辞巧妙。She writes with great feeling about the fate of the refugees, having been a refugee herself in the last year.她以深切的感情描述了难民的命运,去年她自己也是难民。It is a common experience to feel that an author writes well, without being able to say why.一种普遍的感觉是,人们能感觉到某位作家写得好,却说不出所以然。This writes finis to the tragic story of a young girl.这就结束了一个青年女子的悲惨故事。She writes for many papers, including the Sunday Times.她给包括《星期日泰晤士报》在内的很多报纸撰稿。He writes deliberately titillating lyrics.他刻意地写了带有挑逗意味的歌词。He writes estimable poetry under a pseudonym.他用笔名创作的诗歌作品可圈可点。She's no stylist, but she writes very exciting stories.她并不特别注重行文风格,不过她的故事写得非常精彩。He writes poetry.他写诗歌。He writes discursively.他写得不着边际。




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