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词汇 niggle
例句 I don't react anymore when opponents try to niggle me.对手找茬惹我时,我不会再理他们。The life we have built together is more important than any minor niggle we might have.我们共同营造的生活要比我们可能会有的任何小矛盾重要得多。I've had a knee niggle for the past few days.前些天,我的膝盖一直轻微疼痛。I don't react any more when opponents try to niggle me.对手试图惹恼我的时候,我不再理睬。The life we have built together is more important than any minor niggle either of us might have.咱们共同建立的生活要比你我各自可能会有的任何小小的不满重要。Don't you feel even a slight niggle about the morality of your experiments?你们难道丝毫不担心你们的实验是否合乎道德吗?He reported a niggle in his hip to his GP.他告诉全科医生说臀部有点疼。I realise now that the things which used to niggle and annoy me just don't really matter.我现在意识到那些曾令我烦恼不快的事情其实无关紧要。One question continued to niggle at him.一个问题一直困扰着他。You tend to niggle at your partner, and get hurt when he doesn't hug you.你会经常唠叨你的伴侣,他不拥抱你时你就觉得受了伤害。It's not a severe pain, more of a persistent niggle.疼痛并不剧烈,而是那种持续、轻微的疼痛。I realize now that the things that used to niggle me don't really matter.我现在意识到那些曾经让我烦恼的事情其实并没有那么重要。No local derby would be complete without a bit of niggle between the teams.同城德比总少不了竞争对手之间的一些敌对情绪。He has a bit of a niggle in his back.他的背部有一点点痛。




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