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例句 She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness.她坚定地树立起自己绝对的权威。They have not yet developed any cool about themselves.他们尚未建立起自信。Gabriel vaguely reminds me of my father.加布里埃尔有点儿让我想起自己的父亲。He got fed up with people yawning at him when he talked about his job.他烦透了那些听到他谈论起自己的工作就朝他打哈欠的人。The suicide was described as a senseless waste of a young woman's life.起自杀案被人形容为一个年轻女子对生命毫无意义的浪费。The orchard provides a natural windbreak.果园能起自然防风林的作用。He quickly asserted his authority as a leader.他迅速地树立起自己的领导威信。The next day I remembered how drunk I'd been , and almost died of shame.第二天我想起自己当时的醉态,羞愧得要命。Editorially, they never really became a unique distinct product.就立场和观点来说,它们从未真正做到树立起自己独具一格的视角。When you meet him, he is disarming as he talks about himself.当你遇到他时,他谈论起自己时总是能让人放下戒心。Webb was an immodest publicist of his own achievements.韦布宣传起自己的成绩来毫不谦虚。Whenever I think back to what I said at the party it makes me want to squirm.每当我想起自己在聚会上说的话,就感到困窘不安。It invoked memories of my childhood.它使我想起自己的童年。Taking responsibility for yourself is part of the process of growing up.承担起自己的责任是成长过程的一部分。He braced himself against the wall.他靠着墙支撑起自己的身体。He always talks about his children with a twinkle in his eye.一说起自己的孩子们,他的眼睛就亮起来了。




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