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词汇 tickets
例句 By a stroke of luck, there were still a few tickets left when we arrived.我们运气真好,到达时还剩几张票。I have/hold season tickets for our team's games.我有我们队比赛的套票。The tickets are in my trouser pocket.票在我的裤子口袋里。I have reserved two tickets for tonight's show.我定了两张今夜的戏票。Trust Chris to leave the tickets at home!克里斯准保会把票忘在家里!It is almost impossible to get tickets for the boxing match; everybody wants to attend.简直无法购到这场拳击赛的票子,每个人都想去观看。A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check tickets.一名空乘人员站在登机口检查机票。Being a member entitles you to discounts on tickets.会员买票可享折扣优惠。He wanted to pay for the tickets, but not for the dinner.他愿付票钱,但不想付饭费。Joe's going to get tickets for all of us.乔要去给我们大家买票。People may be lured into buying tickets by clever advertising.人们可能会受滑头广告的诱惑去买票。Cup final tickets are like gold dust.足总杯决赛一票难求。Hard-to-get train tickets can be bought at a premium.紧俏的火车票能以高价买到。A horde of people was screaming for tickets.一大群人在嚷着要票。They told me that they could fix me up with tickets.他们告诉我可以为我弄到票。They comped us the tickets. 他们送给我们一些免费门票。I'll try and find out where we can buy tickets.我会试着去找找看哪儿能买到票。One final note: tickets will be available at the door the night of the concert.最后再说明一下:音乐会当晚入口处将有票出售。The last of the tickets were sold Thursday.余下的门票在星期四也售完了。Please accept these tickets with our compliments.请收下我们敬送的这些票。I have two tickets for sale. Any takers?我有两张票要卖,有人要吗?I don't give out parking tickets because I like to - it's my duty.我可不是为自己高兴就开出停车罚款单的—这是我的职责。I got a bargain on the plane tickets. = The plane tickets were a bargain.我买到了便宜的机票。Your tickets are being printed now.你的票现在正在打印。She purchased her tickets at a substantial discount.她以超低折扣买到了票。Gail has wangled it so that we can get in without tickets.盖尔施小计让我们不用票就可以入场。Customers use a touchscreen to buy tickets.客户使用触摸屏购票。The tickets had sold out within a few short hours.票在短短几个小时内全部售出。She had tickets to see the new show at the Aldwych Theatre.她有看奥德乌奇剧院新演出的戏票。You're in luck, there are still a few tickets left.你很走运,还剩下几张票。They turned us away at the entrance because we didn't have tickets.由于没有票,他们不让我们进去。The club has received an additional allocation of tickets.俱乐部获得了额外分配的门票。Pushing to the front of the queue, he managed to get the last tickets.他挤到队伍前面设法买到了最后几张票。She got into a real panic when she thought she'd lost the tickets.当她以为自己把票子弄丢了时着实吃了一惊。It's crazy to have an expensive, elaborate judicial system handling parking tickets and minor traffic violations.让费钱、复杂的司法体系去处理违章停车罚款和轻微交通违章真是愚蠢。I've lost the tickets for tonight's show.我把今晚的演出票弄丢了。I'll pick up the tickets on my way home from work.下班回家的路上我去拿票。Passengers holding tickets will be entitled to refunds.持票乘客将有权获得退款。You can't get hold of those tickets for love nor money these days.这些天你根本没法搞到票。You can't turn around and say that you don't want to go. I already bought the tickets!你不能突然说你不想去。我票都已经买好了!




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