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词汇 auto
例句 Striking workers halted production at the auto plant yesterday.罢工工人于昨日停止了汽车厂的生产。The auto assembly line epitomizes the conditions that contribute to employee dissatisfaction.自动装配线是造成雇员不满情绪的典型环境。Her husband trained to be an auto mechanic, but he can't find a job.她丈夫受过汽车机修工培训,但找不到工作。A futuristic car was on display at the auto show.车展上展出了一辆超前新奇的汽车。The auto-makers recalled a lot of cars that were unsafe.汽车制造商召回许多不安全的车辆。The auto industry is increasingly buoyant.汽车工业越来越繁荣。She had to pay hundreds of dollars in auto repairs.她不得不花几百美元修理汽车。One of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they are often genetically similar.自身免疫疾病的一个特点是遗传学上相似。One auto shop class is run just for girls.有一个修车班是专门为女生开的。Peripheral auto routes drain traffic from the city centre.外环高速公路把市中心的交通流量引开。The auto plant now has an annual capacity of 12,000 cars.这家汽车厂现在每年能生产一万二千辆汽车。At trade school, he learned to be an auto mechanic.他在职业学校学做汽车修理工。It has been an off year for auto sales.今年是汽车销量较差的年份。Carlos is an auto mechanic who moonlights fixing the cars of friends.卡洛斯是一名汽车修理工,他晚上兼职给朋友修理汽车。The mall was playing host to an auto show.这家商场正在举办车展。The auto parts manufacturer spun off from another company.这家汽车零件生产商是从另一家公司分离出来的。He was killed in an auto accident.他在一次车祸中丧生。The company is developing a new car in partnership with leading auto manufacturers in Japan.公司正在与日本的几家主要汽车生产商合作开发一种新型轿车。Ford's new range of cars is being kept firmly under wraps until the Geneva auto show.福特的新款汽车严格保密,直到日内瓦汽车展时才露面。The store offers a comprehensive line of auto parts.这家商店的汽车配件应有尽有。The new regulations are intended to reduce auto emissions. 新规定旨在减少汽车有害物的排放。There has been a decline in union representation in the auto industry.汽车行业中工会代表减少了。GM's solar-powered car was unveiled at last month's Geneva auto show.通用汽车公司的太阳能汽车在上月的日内瓦车展上首次展出。He went to a vocational school to learn auto repair.他上了职业学校学习汽车修理。He was maimed in an auto accident.他在一次车祸中成了残废。The fuel shortage has turned round the auto business.燃料不足已使汽车业改弦易辙。The pace of auto sales quickened.汽车销售的速度加快了。The problems of the auto industry have created economic ripples through the rest of the economy as well.汽车业的问题使得其他行业也出现了经济上的连锁反应。Henry Ford was a pioneer in the auto industry.亨利‧福特是汽车工业的先驱。The company is no longer a/the weak sister among auto producers.这家公司不再是汽车生产商中的弱者。The auto industry is in high gear.汽车工业在高速发展。Another auto store was opened in town yesterday.昨天镇上又开了一家汽车商行。




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