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词汇 nip
例句 Try to nip this kind of bad behaviour in the bud.要尽早制止这种不良行为。I suspect she's had a nip and tuck to look like that at her age.她这个年纪却有着那样的外表,我怀疑她做过整形手术。The department made a nip here and a tuck there, but they were still way over budget.这个部门实施了一系列小幅缩减,但他们的开支还是远远超出预算。I had to nip back to my place.我得赶快回去。The race was nip and tuck for a while.比赛一时间不相上下。The dog gave me a nip on the leg.这只狗在我腿上轻咬了一下。It's nip and tuck whether I'll get there in time or not.我会不会及时到达那里非常难说。It's important to nip this kind of bullying in the bud.重要的是及早制止这种欺凌弱小的行为。Inflation will only get worse if the government doesn't do something right now to nip it in the bud.如果政府现在不采取有力措施防患于未然,通货膨胀只会日益严重。She had a habit of taking an occasional nip from a flask of cognac.她习惯于偶尔从法国白兰地酒瓶中倒点酒喝。He takes a nip now and then.他时不时喝上一小口酒。I'll just quickly nip into that shop.我只要去那家商店很快看一下。Right I'll just nip up to the loo.现在我要赶紧去趟厕所。It was nip and tuck who was going to win the game.这场比赛的胜负难以预测。I'll nip out and buy a newspaper.我这就赶紧出去买报纸。I'm just going to nip to the bog.我正要跑去上厕所。She asked her mother to nip the dress in at the waist.她让母亲把那连衣裙的腰部收窄一点。You can tell winter's on its way - there's a real nip in the air in the mornings.你可以感觉到冬天即将来临——早晨颇感寒气袭人。The candidates were running nip and tuck early in the campaign.竞选之初,候选者们势均力敌。The little puppy gave the child a playful nip.小狗轻咬小孩闹着玩。I've got to nip home and change my clothes.我得赶快回家去换一下衣服。Some ants can give you a nasty nip.一些蚂蚁会咬得你很疼。I could feel the nip in the air.我感觉寒气袭人。Should I nip out and get some groceries?.要我赶紧出去一趟买些食品吗?The cat gave him a nip.那只猫咬了他一口。Let's nip this problem in the bud before it gets out of hand.让我们对这个问题防患于未然吧。I'll just nip into the post office.我会很快去趟邮局。It was nip and tuck.那真是势均力敌。We'll just nip round to my flat and pick up my things.我们要赶紧到我房间去一下,把东西拿上。He gave her a nip.他掐了她一下。It is important to recognize jealousy and to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.重要的是意识到嫉妒心理,并将其消灭在萌芽阶段,以免失控。It was nip and tuck as to who would win the playoffs.加时赛上双方势均力敌,难解难分。For several months it was nip and tuck, but we managed to pull the company out of bankruptcy.几个月时间内一直岌岌可危,但是我们成功地把公司从破产边缘拯救了过来。The dog gave me a nip when we were playing.狗在和我玩的时候咬了我一下。The first nip of winter fell on London.冬天的初寒侵袭伦敦。It's important to nip this problem in the bud.对这种问题一开始就加以阻止是很重要的。




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