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词汇 nicotine
例句 He's addicted to heroin/nicotine.他对海洛因/尼古丁上瘾了。It allows nicotine to diffuse slowly and steadily into the bloodstream.它能使尼古丁平稳缓慢地渗透到血液里。The nicotine stains on his fingers told me he was under stress.他手指上的烟痕表明他压力很大。He had a smoker's cough and nicotine-yellowed fingers.他因吸烟患上了咳嗽,手指也被尼古丁熏黄了。She was still suffering withdrawal from nicotine.她仍然在忍受戒烟之苦。Reports show that nicotine is more powerful than cocaine.报告显示,尼古丁比可卡因效力更强。Some smokers use chewing gum containing nicotine to help them kick the habit.有些吸烟的人用含有尼古丁的口香糖来帮助戒烟。She wears a nicotine patch to help her quit smoking.她使用尼古丁贴片来帮助戒烟。She experienced symptoms of nicotine withdrawal after she quit smoking.她戒烟之后出现了尼古丁脱瘾症状。You are given pills with small quantities of nicotine to wean you from cigarettes.会给你一些含少量尼古丁的药片帮你戒除烟瘾。Both nicotine and carbon monoxide inhaled with cigarette smoking have been incriminated as causative factors.抽烟时吸入的尼古丁和一氧化碳都已经被标定为致病因素。I was recommended fruit juices to flush nicotine out of the body.有人劝我多喝果汁以排除体内尼古丁。Her voice was raspy with nicotine and whiskey.她因为抽烟喝酒声音变得嘶哑。The amount of nicotine in these nicotine substitutes can be enough to excite the heart.这些尼古丁替代品中的烟碱含量足以刺激心脏。Tobacco manufacturers should be forced to reduce the nicotine in cigarettes to negligible levels.应当强制烟草生产商将香烟中的尼古丁含量降至微乎其微的水平。A nicotine spray can help smokers quit the habit without putting on weight.尼古丁喷雾剂能够帮助吸烟者在不增加体重的同时戒烟。With the help of a nicotine patch she was able to quit smoking.她在戒烟贴的帮助下戒了烟。She had her nicotine-stained teeth whitened.她将她那被尼古丁熏黑的牙齿漂白了。The amount of nicotine in these nicotine substitutes can be enough to excite the heart.这些尼古丁替代物中的尼古丁含量足以刺激到心脏。




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