例句 |
The government has announced a series of austerity measures. 政府已经宣布了一系列紧缩开支的措施。The austerity measures will have little immediate effect on the average Moroccan.财政紧缩政策不会对普通摩洛哥人产生直接影响。The strike is the latest in a series by public employees in protest at worsening economic conditions and government austerity measures.这是公务员发起的一系列罢工中的最新一次,以抗议日趋恶化的经济状况和政府的紧缩措施。The austerity measures will have little immediate adverse effect on the average Moroccan.财政紧缩政策不会对普通的摩洛哥人产生直接的负面影响。 |