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例句 She clearly relished the prospect of breaking the news to them.她显然正巴不得要把这条消息透露给他们。She cabled the news to the United States.她用电报把这条新闻发往美国。Her sister broke the bad news to her.她姐姐把坏消息告诉了她。I broke the news to Marcus right after my meeting.一开完会,我就把这个坏消息告诉了马库斯。Don't worry about it. You are still new to the job.别担心,做这项工作你还是个新手。Reporters all over the world feed the news to the TV stations.遍布世界各地的记者们向电视台提供新闻。His speech was cut-and-dried because he had nothing new to say.他的报告单调无味,因为他毫无新的内容可说。We tried to break the news to her gently.我们尽量委婉地告诉她那个坏消息。I told the good news to everybody.我把好消息告诉了大伙。He had to break the news to her.他不得不向她泄露那消息。The whole idea of democracy was something strange and new to most people.对于当时大部分人来说,民主这个概念陌生而新鲜。She's quite new to the job so we're still breaking her in.她才做这份工作不久,所以我们还在带着她熟悉业务。Reporters at the scene flashed the news to their offices.现场记者迅速将新闻发送到本社。This concept is new to me.这个概念对我来说是全新的。The signalman on the ship wigwagged the good news to the other ship.那艘船上的信号员用旗语向另一艘船发送好消息。She broadcast the good news to all her friends.她向所有朋友广为传播这则好消息。I'm new to this way of doing things.我对这种做事方式不了解。This is all new to me.这对我来说完全是新的经验。The job was new to him,and for a few days he was at sea.这项工作对他来说是新的,有几天他不知怎么干才好。He assured me that the doctor would have nothing new to advise.他向我断言,医生不会有什么新的建议。The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced the news to the reporters.外交部发言人向记者发布新闻。The moment had come for me to break the news to her.时候到了,我应该把这消息告诉她了。This was very comforting news to the family.对这家人来说,这是个非常令人欣慰的消息。Don't be too hard on him - he's new to the job.别对他太苛刻——他刚开始做这项工作。I watch the news to keep track of current events.我看新闻为的是了解时事。If you are new to caravanning, you may find these tips helpful.如果你对乘活动房车度假还不了解,你可能会觉得这些建议很有用。He had no news to impart.他没有什么消息可透露。He kept the news to himself.他没告诉任何人这条消息。She was afraid in a way that was quite new to her.她感到从未有过的害怕。The company was alleged to have leaked the news to the Daily Mail.据称,那家公司将消息透露给了《每日邮报》。I just don't know how to break the news to Sherri. She'll be so disappointed.我真不知该怎么把这个消息告诉雪莉,她会非常失望的。He told them that he had a terrible piece of news to impart.他说他有一条可怕的消息要告诉他们。He denied that he had leaked the news to the press.他否认曾将这则消息泄漏给新闻界。The new professor is all bad news to me.我觉得新来的那个教授十分讨厌。He was faced with the task of breaking the bad news to the boy's relatives.他面临着要把这坏消息转告男孩亲属的任务。Her name is new to me.她的名字对我来说是完全陌生。Hopefully, this will give them something new to concentrate and focus on. Everyone would say amen to that.这有望成为他们关注的新焦点。大家对此都会赞同。I never had anything new to wear as a child, only a cousin's cast-offs.我小时候从没穿过新衣服,总是拾表姐的旧衣服。I have nothing new to tell you.我没有什么新消息要告诉你。This new attitude is good news to AIDS activists.这种新态度对艾滋病活动家来说是件好事。




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