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词汇 net
例句 He scooped out the leaves from the pool with the net.他用网从水塘里捞树叶。The birds fly into the net and become entangled.鸟儿飞进了网中,被缠住了。The ball hurtled into the far corner of the net.球飞进了球网的远角。He hopes to net some new clients on the golf course this weekend.他希望本周末能在高尔夫球场上争取到一些新客户。We made a net loss on the transaction.我们这笔交易出现了净亏损。The ball glanced off his foot into the net.球擦过他的脚弹入网中。As Nadal came in to the net, Murray passed him a superbly placed shot.当纳达尔上来封网时,穆雷打出了一记落点极佳的穿越球。The net result/outcome/effect of the new bridge will be fewer traffic jams.这座新桥的最终结果将是交通堵塞减少。Beckham fired his angled shot just wide of the net.贝克汉姆射出一记弧线球,只偏离球门一点点。The net is significantly lower than we had anticipated.纯利润大大低于我们的预期。The company's net assets are worth millions.这家公司的净资产价值几百万。The ball cannoned off the back of a Spartak defender and into the net.球打在斯巴达克队一名防守队员的背上后反弹入网。The ball bounced twice before hitting the net.球弹了两次才击到网上。Many youngsters spend hours surfing the net.许多年轻人花很长时间上网浏览信息。Owen hammered the ball into the back of the net.欧文一记劲射,球直入网窝。A national insurance system provides a safety net for the very poor.国家保险体系为最贫困者提供保障。He shinned the ball into the net.他用小腿将球踢入网内。Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.对于低收入工人来说,福利救济是唯一真正有效的保障措施。She hit the ball into the net, almost gifting the set to her opponent.她击球下网,几乎把这一盘拱手送给对手。The players crashed the net.球员猛地撞向球网。How many fish did you net this afternoon?你今天下午张网捕到多少鱼?What you actually receive is net of deductions for the airfare and administration.你实际上得到的是扣除机票和管理费的净值。The dolphin was enmeshed in/by the net.那只海豚被网缠住了。State support should provide a safety net for the very poor.政府补贴应该可以为很穷的人提供保障。The ball swished through the net.球嗖地进了网。He shot the puck into the net.他把冰球打入网中。The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life.安全网是日常生活中广为使用的一个形象比喻。She ran to the other side and volleyed into the net.她跑到另一边截球入网。The fish thrashed about in the net.那条鱼在网中乱蹦乱跳。He hit the ball over the net.他击球过网。A lot of poor people are slipping through the net because they don't know what they're entitled to.许多穷人没有受到保护是因为他们不清楚自己所拥有的权利。Cyber-crime, for example the fraudulent use of credit cards on the net, presents particular problems for the police.网络犯罪,如网上信用卡诈骗等给警方提出了特别的难题。Klos fisted the ball into the net.克洛斯用拳头把球打入网内。He caught a fish in the net.他用网捕到一条鱼。The ends of the net pass through a wooden bar at each end.网的两端各穿过一根木棒。She backhanded the ball over the net.她反手击球过网。What was the net conclusion after all that discussion?讨论了那么长时间,最终结论是什么呢? Her favourite pastime is surfing the net.她最喜爱的消遣形式是上网。With a couple of tugs he pulled in the net.他用力拉了几下,把网收起来。The bride wore a veil of white net.新娘戴了一层白色的面纱。




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