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词汇 neighbors
例句 She often uses a martinet to discipline her children, and her act causes an uproar among her neighbors.她常用短皮鞭教训她的子女,让邻居看不惯。She thought she was being helpful, but her neighbors saw her as a meddler.她以为自己在帮忙,可是邻居们却视她为爱管闲事的人。He spies on his neighbors.他暗中监视邻居。We saw her chatting with her neighbors.我们看到她在和邻居聊天。The Smiths were living in peace with the neighbors.史密斯一家与左邻右舍和睦相处。Her neighbors saw her as a meddlesome nuisance.她的邻居都视她为爱管闲事的讨厌鬼。They took an instant dislike to the new neighbors.对于新邻居,他们一开始就不喜欢。That pigheaded old man refused to cooperate with the neighbors.那个固执的老头拒绝和邻居合作。The neighbors are nice people.邻居们很友善。City officials needed to assuage neighbors' concerns about the new factory.市政官员需要缓解相邻地区对新工厂的忧虑。She lives in harmony with her neighbors.她和邻里相处融洽。All the neighbors clubbed together to help him through difficulty.所有的邻居都来帮他度过难关。She tried to escape the prying eyes of her neighbors.她试图逃开邻居们窥探的目光。We planted a row of shrubs to screen our backyard from the neighbors.我们种了一排灌木,这样就把自家后院和邻居家隔开了。The neighbors held a bridal shower for the girl.邻居为姑娘举行了一个准新娘送礼会。His alibi is supported by his neighbors.邻居们为他提供了不在场的证明。We need to make arrangements for the neighbors to take care of the cats while we're away.我们不在的时候,需要安排邻居来照顾我们的猫。Several neighbors alerted the authorities/police when they noticed strangers acting suspiciously.几个邻居注意到一些鬼鬼祟祟的陌生人,立即报告了当局/警方。Police were alerted when neighbors complained of a nasty smell coming from the basement.邻居投诉地窖里传出异味,于是通知了警方。My neighbors are always arguing, and they were at it again last night. 我的邻居总是吵架,昨晚他们又吵起来了。She left a key with the neighbours / neighbors.她留了一把钥匙在邻居那里。They evangelized their neighbors about the importance of saving energy.他向邻居们讲述节约能源的重要性。She was described by her neighbors as a sweet but gullible woman who allowed the man to live in her house as a source of extra money.邻居把她说成是个和蔼可亲但容易上当的女人,她居然允许那个男人住到她家里以赚取外快。We left our dog with the neighbors while we went on vacation.我们去度假时,把狗托付给邻居照看。She is very inconsiderate of her neighbors.她一点都不为邻居们着想。He eked out his small income by working for neighbors.他靠给邻居们干点事弥补微薄的收入。A country should not aggrandize itself at the expense of its neighbors.一个国家不应该牺牲邻国来壮大自己。I have little commerce with my neighbors.我和邻居很少来往。In the tiny town where I grew up, my family and most of our neighbors were dirt poor.在我长大的小镇上,我家和大多数邻居当时都处于赤贫状态。She appreciated the friendliness of her neighbors.她感激邻居的友善。I enlisted the help of our neighbors.我得到了邻居们的帮助。The next-door neighbors are amiable people.隔壁邻居们都是和蔼可亲的人。We sat on the porch swing and watched the neighbors.我们坐在门廊秋千上看着邻居们。Matt's behavior was arousing the interest of the neighbors.马特的行为渐渐引起了邻居的兴趣。Our neighbors have a swimming pool in their backyard.我们邻居家的后院有个游泳池。Ordinary people have some reservations about their president's drive to knit them so closely to their neighbors.普通百姓对总统号召人们邻里间亲密相处心存疑虑。We are on good terms with our neighbors.我们与邻居和睦相处。Some analysts fear that increasing desperation could lead to a military invasion of the country's southern neighbors.一些分析家担心,这个国家越来越深的绝望会使它对南部邻国发动军事侵略。Our neighbors were arguing again last night. They were going at it hammer and tongs.昨晚我们的邻居又吵架了,吵得很凶。His neighbors built a wall that obstructed his view of the ocean.邻居砌了一堵墙,挡住了他看海的视线。




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