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词汇 need
例句 After your operation, you'll need to convalesce for a week or two.手术后你需要休养一两个星期。The war created a need for national unity.这场战争使人们渴求国家统一。To confirm my diagnosis I need to do some tests.为了证实我的诊断,我要做一些化验。Such unexplained pregnancies have happened before. I need hardly mention the most notorious case.此类不明原因的怀孕之前曾发生过。我就不用提那个最有名的事例了吧。This is the pile of things we need, and over here is the pile of things we can chuck.这堆东西是我们要的,那一堆是可以扔的。There is an urgent need for someone to tackle this problem.亟需有人来解决这个问题。Our old car is badly in need of replacement.我们的旧车急需更换。There's no need for you to shout. = There's no need for shouting.你不必大喊大叫。You need a sharp knife for the steak.你需要一把锋利的刀来切牛排。I need to type up my report.我得把报告打出来。You don't need to be a millionaire to consider having a bank account in Switzerland.想在瑞士银行开个账户,你不必非得是个百万富翁。You look like you need a drink, mate.你看来需要喝一杯,老兄。We need to do some shopping - there isn't much to eat at home.我们要去买点什么了—家里吃的东西不多了。We need to examine other possibilities before we book the flights.订飞机票之前,我们应该研究一下其他可能的选择。These standards need to be legally enforceable.这些标准需要依法实行。Parents need to become more involved in their children's school activities.父母应该更多地参加子女在学校的各种活动。I need a tube of tooth paste.我需要一管牙膏。There's no need to worry, it'll all come out in the wash.不必担心,问题会圆满解决的。 You need to try and build up your strength before the winter.你需要在冬季到来之前努力增强体力。You need to treat this wood for woodworm.你需要对这种木头进行防蛀处理。Anyone who tries to save that company will need deep pockets.想要拯救那家公司的人必须实力雄厚。We still need to negotiate the details of the contract.我们还要就合同的细节进行磋商。The whys and the wherefores of these procedures need to be explained.这些手续的缘由需要作出解释。Do you need a hand?你需要人手吗?I need a vacation to regain/recover my sanity. 我需要度假,以便恢复精神。Citizens need to remain aware of the danger.市民们需要了解这种危险性。Travellers need to keep their wits about them.旅行者需要随机应变。You need to wipe down the table tops.你得擦擦桌面。Take a couple of weeks off - you need a break.请两个星期的假吧——你需要休息。It didn't take her long to pack the few clothes she would need.她没花多少时间就收拾好了那几件所需的衣物。We need to ensure that handwriting is properly taught in our primary schools.我们要确保小学里有正规的习字课。We need to improve relations with foreign governments.我们需要改进与其他国家政府的关系。If you need me, you just have to pick up the phone.需要我的话,给我打个电话就可以了。I need to consult my teacher about changing my course.我需要向老师咨询更改选课的事。Parents need to loosen the reins as the child grows.随着孩子长大,家长需要放放手。They just need to polish their technique.他们只需在技术上再完善一下。You need ID such as a birth certificate or Social Security card.你需要像出生证或社会保障卡等这样的身份证明。Police acknowledged the need to patrol the area.警方认可在该地区巡逻的必要性。We need to lower the mirror in the bathroom.我们要把浴室中的镜子放低些。Why punish yourself by working harder than you need to?你没必要那么卖力工作,何必自讨苦吃呢?




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