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Something hit the back of his neck an agonizingly painful blow.不知什么东西在他的后颈部打了一下,他感到疼痛不堪。He heard a scream and the hairs on the back of his neck began to lift.他听到一声尖叫,吓得后脖颈寒毛直竖。She knotted the scarf loosely around her neck.她把围巾在脖子上松松地打了个结。You'll break your neck if you fall off the roof.你要是从屋顶上跌下来会摔死的。He wore a chain of office around his neck.他脖子上挂着一条标志公职的项链。She flung her arms around his neck.她猛地搂住他的脖子。That fellow's got neck enough for anything.这家伙厚颜无耻,什么都干得出来。She strung the key around her neck.她把钥匙挂在脖子上。He had to retire with a neck injury in the second half.在下半场他因为颈部受伤只得退出比赛。Her dress was of blue silk, quite light, and becomingly open at the neck.她的裙子是蓝色丝制的,非常轻盈,颈部的开口很迷人。The cat picked up her kitten by the scruff of its neck.猫咬住其幼崽的后颈把它叼了起来。The staff in that library are all dead from the neck up.那个图书馆的管理人员全都笨死了。Massage is great if your neck and back are tense.如果颈部和背部肌肉紧张,按摩很管用。He had the thickest neck I'd ever seen.我从没见过他那么粗的脖子。Tension in the neck muscles can cause headaches.颈部肌肉紧张会导致头痛。She stood in neck-deep water.她站在深及脖子的水中。He broke his neck in the accident.他在事故中摔断了脖子。She stretched her neck to look down the stairs.她伸着脖子朝楼下看。Can you feel the tension in your neck and shoulders?你能否感觉到颈部和肩部有紧绷感?Housing prices are a lot higher in this neck of the woods.这一地段的房价高出许多。For three miles now both yachts have been neck and neck.两艘帆船齐头并进了三英里。Observers say the woman pulled a knife out of the bunch of flowers and stabbed him in the neck.目击者说那名女子从花束中拔出一把刀来,扎进了他的颈部。Happily, his neck injuries were not serious.很幸运,他脖子上的伤并不严重。The giraffe has a very long neck.长颈鹿有一条很长的脖子。I like this shirt, but the neck has worn.我喜欢这件衬衫,但领子已旧。The red dress had slim black piping around the neck.这条红裙的领口有细细的黑色滚边。He sustained serious neck injuries after he broke someone's fall.有人坠落压在他身上,致使他颈部受重伤。I've got an excrescence on my neck.我颈上长了个瘤。After looking at the computer screen all day she had eyestrain and a stiff neck.盯着电脑屏幕看了一整天后,她的眼睛酸涩,脖子也感到僵硬。You'll be risking your neck if you go sailing in this weather.如果你想在这种天气去航海,你将冒生命危险。Meyers was stabbed once in the abdomen and once in the neck.迈耶斯腹部和颈部各被捅了一刀。He buttoned the shirt up to his neck.他把衬衣扣子直扣到颈部。Poor posture can cause neck ache, headaches and breathing problems.姿势不当会导致颈部疼痛、头痛和呼吸困难。He wasn't wearing a tie and his shirt was open at the neck.他没系领带,衬衫领口敞开着。Mazie's fur collar was tickling her neck.马齐耶的毛领子扎得她脖子痒痒的。Some neck injuries cause total loss of mobility below the point of injury.一些颈部损伤会导致受伤部位以下肢体完全丧失活动能力。Since her motorbike accident, she can't feel anything below the neck.出了摩托车事故以后,她脖子以下没有任何知觉。A hot shower relaxed the tight muscles in my neck and shoulders.洗了个热水澡,我脖子和肩膀上的紧张肌肉放松了下来。They arrayed him in vestures of fine linen and put a gold chain about his neck.他们给他穿上细亚麻布衣裳,并给他戴了一条金项链。Tame birds, when approached, will stretch out their necks and ruffle their neck feathering.驯养的鸟儿在有人靠近时会伸长脖子,竖起颈羽。 |