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词汇 win
例句 In order to win, you must throw your opponent, ideally onto his back.为了赢,必须把对手摔倒在地,最好是仰面朝天摔下。This win puts the team back on course for the championship.这场胜利使球队又回到了通往冠军的路上。I never win at tennis.我打网球从来没赢过。They're battling the government to win compensation.他们为了赢得补偿与政府斗争。It would have been rough justice had he been deprived of this important third European win.要是他被剥夺了这一意义重大的第三个欧洲冠军头衔,那对他简直是太不公平了。If we win the next game, the championship's in the bag.如果我们赢了下一场比赛,冠军就是囊中之物了。All other things being equal, the bigger fighter should win.同等条件下,大块头的拳手应该会赢。Ithought we'd get the building contract, but I suppose you can't win them all.我原以为我们能得到这份建筑合同,但现在看来不可能事事都成功。He's a dead cert to win an Oscar.他肯定能获得奥斯卡金像奖。Flushed with success after their surprise win against Italy, The Pirates are preparing for Saturday's game against the Red Sox.意外战胜意大利队之后,志得意满的海盗队正在为周六对阵红袜队做准备。The athlete rediscovered her best form with a morale-boosting win in the triple jump.她在三级跳远中获胜,从而信心大增,重回最佳状态。She narrowly failed to win enough votes.她只差一点点就能获得足够的选票。The law of averages says we'll win at least once.从平均律来看,我们至少能赢一次。They became the first British team to win a major European trophy.他们成为第一支赢得欧洲重要奖杯的英国球队。She was regarded by contemporaries as the best player never to win a great singles championship.她被同时代的人视为最佳运动员,虽然她从未获得任何单打锦标赛冠军的光鲜称号。Competition has been fierce to win a stake in Skoda.争夺斯柯达股份的竞争极为激烈。Don't count out our team just yet. They could still win.不要现在就断定我们队输。他们还有可能赢。The whole story was just an artifice to win our sympathy.整个故事就是一场为了骗取我们同情的骗局。The fact we didn't win when we were so close is very disappointing.我们巧亏一篑没有获胜真令人失望。Uncle Barry backed Arsenal to win the FA Cup.巴里叔叔赌阿森纳队能夺得足总杯冠军。They are vying to win the championship for the third year in a row.他们正在争夺三连冠。She was determined to win at any cost.她决心不惜一切代价要获胜。His scheme to win the girl backfired and she went to another guy.他追求那女孩的计划产生了反效果,现在她名花另有主。He couldn't seem to win, but he wasn't ready to throw in the towel.他似乎赢不了,但是并不准备认输。She is the prohibitive favorite to win the nomination. 几乎可以肯定她会获得提名。Mother nourished in me a boundless belief in my ability to win whatever I wanted.母亲使我滋长了一种极度的自信,认为凡是我要的一定能得到。If I wanted to win I was going to have to cane it.如果我想获胜就必须全力以赴。I'll lay you ten to one that he will win.我以一赔十跟你打赌,他准赢。There is little expectation that his team will win.他的队获胜的可能性很小。Fresh from their semi-final win over Germany, Britain took a promising early lead.刚刚在半决赛中战胜德国队的英国队开场便取得了领先,形势一片大好。Off the record, many Conservatives admit they cannot win the election.许多保守党人私下都承认他们不可能赢得大选。All this arguing isn't going to help us win the election.这么争吵不休帮不了我们在选举中胜出。We expected to win with comparative ease.我们希望能比较轻松地取胜。He says he's counting on undecided voters to help him win next week's election.他说他寄希望于尚未作出决定的选民帮他赢得下周的选举。He entered election day in a strong position to win.他闯入大选日,获胜的可能性很大。Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. It all averages out in the end.你有时赢,有时输。最终会扯平。It seems certain that the Chinese ping-pong team will win the prize.看来中国乒乓球队有得奖把握。It is totally unprecedented for a man to win two lottos in a row.一个人可以连赢两次乐透可说是史无前例的。With two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning, he hit a home run to win the game.第九局的后半局,在有两名队员出局的情况下,他以一记本垒打赢得了比赛。I'm enough of a realist to know that we can't win every time.我很现实,我知道我们不能每次都赢。




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