例句 |
The plants will wilt in direct sunlight.日光直射会使这些植物枯萎。After only an hour's hiking they were beginning to wilt in the heat.才走了一小时,他们就热得没精打采了。Thou wilt never get thee a husband.尔将永远找不到丈夫。Cut flowers will soon wilt without water.剪下的花没有水会很快枯萎。These flowers tend to wilt in the heat of summer.这些花在夏天的高温下容易枯萎。Marigolds are a strong breed, less likely to wilt than other plants.金盏花生命力强,不像其他植物那样容易枯萎。Some of the leaves were beginning to wilt.有些叶子开始枯萎。 |