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词汇 natural mother
例句 My natural mother has never communicated with me.我的亲生母亲从未和我联系过。He left no stone unturned in his search for his natural mother.他不遗余力地寻找自己的亲生母亲。John says he feels happy, but still a bit mixed up, about the contact with his natural mother.对于和生母的接触,约翰说他既觉得高兴,但又感到有一点迷茫。She has been reunited with her natural mother.她和亲生母亲团聚了。It was not wanderlust alone that made him keen to visit Brazil. He thought he might hear news of his natural mother there.他热衷于到巴西去不单是因为喜欢旅游,他认为在那里可能会听到有关自己生母的消息。




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