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They expect bonding to occur naturally.他们希望能够建立自然的关系。Her hair appeared to curl naturally.她的头发看起来是自然卷。Minerals occur naturally in the earth's crust.矿物自然存在于地壳中。Her conclusions follow naturally from the theory.她依据那个理论自然地得出这些结论。Many herbs grow naturally in poor dry soils.很多药草天然生长于贫瘠干燥的土壤中。She was naturally adventurous and loved the wild landscape of Colombia with all its beauty and danger.她天生爱冒险,非常喜欢哥伦比亚既绮丽又险峻的天然景致。It's best to let your hair dry naturally.最好让头发自然干。Her hair waves naturally.她的头发自然鬈曲。Their friendship developed naturally over time.他们的友谊是经年累月自然形成的。When I saw that there were no lights on in the house, I naturally assumed you were asleep.我看到屋里没亮灯,自然以为你已经睡了。I have naturally curly hair.我的头发是自然卷。Mental and physical deterioration both occur naturally with age.随着年龄的增长,心智和体力会自然衰退。Dancing seemed to come naturally to her.她似乎生来就会跳舞。The students naturally showed favor toward their own school's team.学生自然都偏爱他们自己的校队。It's hard to speak/act naturally when you're nervous.人一紧张时很难正常地说话/表现。He seemed to be a naturally solitary person, troubling himself about only a few friends.他似乎天生就是个独来独往的人,不愿意费神多交几个朋友。Is your hair naturally curly or have you had a perm?你的头发是自然卷还是烫的?We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution.我们在思想上很自然地把达尔文的名字和进化论联系在一起。She didn't need make-up. She was naturally beautiful.她天生丽质,不需要化妆。The whole process separates quite naturally into three smaller stages.整个过程很自然地分成三个较小的步骤。She was unable to conceive a child naturally and was offered fertility treatment.她因不能自然怀孕而接受不孕治疗。His father was quite naturally very proud of him.他父亲自然为他感到无比骄傲。If two people aren't naturally suited to each other, there's no point in pursuing a relationship.如果两人天生性格不合,就没有必要维持关系。Diana was crying, so naturally Hannah was upset.黛安娜当时在哭,自然汉娜会不安。He has hair which is naturally black but which has been bleached by the sun.他的头发本来是黑色的,不过被太阳晒白了。Her naturally loud voice seemed to bounce off the walls.她天生是个大嗓门,声音似乎从墙上反弹回来了。Thatch is naturally warm in winter and cool in summer.茅草料天生冬暖夏凉。Stand reasonably erect, your arms hanging naturally.挺身站直,双臂自然下垂。The request, naturally, is politely phrased but is still recognizably a command.无疑,这个请求措辞委婉,但显然还是一个命令。The oil is attacked by naturally occurring microbes which break it down.原油受到了自然产生的分解油类物质的微生物的侵蚀。Children are naturally empathetic and that makes them vulnerable.孩子天生有同情心,这使得他们容易受伤。Humans are the only animals naturally susceptible to the disease.人类是唯一天生易感染该疾病的动物。Musical talent comes naturally to that family.那样的家庭很容易出音乐天才。Ben was naturally introspective and enjoyed being alone.本性喜内省,好独处。He was naturally disappointed when the talks failed to bear fruit.会谈没有取得成果,他自然感到失望。Lodine is found naturally in sea fish, seafood, and seaweed.碘天然存在于海鱼、海鲜和海藻中。The cat was naturally curious about its new surroundings.猫对新环境天生有好奇心。I've got naturally curly hair.我的头发是自来卷儿。Chris is a naturally tidy person.克里斯天生是个爱整洁的人。Some people are naturally optimistic.一些人天生乐观。 |