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词汇 narrow
例句 The company offered only a narrow range of financial services.该公司只提供小范围的金融服务。After his release from prison he followed the straight and narrow.他从监狱获释后走上了正道。They'll make inquiries about the matter. They should be able to narrow things down.他们会查询这件事的。他们应该有能力缩小调查范围。Small shops huddle together in the narrow lane.多家小店挤在这条狭窄的小巷里。They are unable to see beyond the narrow world of the theatre.他们看不到狭小的戏剧界之外的天地。They squeezed through a narrow opening between the fence and an oak tree.他们勉强挤过篱笆和橡树之间的狭窄缝隙。Interest rates stayed within a relatively narrow band.利率在一个相对较小的范围内波动。I walked up the narrow hall to the telephone table.我穿过窄窄的过道向电话桌走去。He scraped through the narrow opening.他勉强钻过狭窄的开口处。Markov had a very narrow escape when his helicopter crashed.马科夫乘坐的直升机撞机,他险些丧命。The road was narrow but tarred.路虽窄,可铺了柏油。We drove up a narrow dirt track to their house.我们沿着一条窄窄的土路一直开到他们家。He had a narrow escape from gunfire.他从炮火中死里逃生。The streets of the Old City are narrow and labyrinthine.老城区的街道狭促曲折,好似迷宫一般。He was criticised for being boring, strait-laced and narrow-minded.他被指无趣乏味,古板守旧,心胸狭窄。The narrow street was populous with tourists.狭窄的街道上挤满了旅游者。We sat face to face across a narrow table.我们面对面坐在一张窄窄的桌子旁。We were jammed together, shoulder to shoulder, in the narrow corridor.我们在狭窄的走道里肩靠肩地紧挨在一起。The bus crawled along the rough and narrow road.公共汽车在颠簸不平的狭窄道路上缓慢前行。The stream was so narrow that we could easily stride over it.小溪很窄,我们能很容易地跨过去。I hear you had a very narrow escape on the bridge.我听说你在桥上险些出事。It was a very narrow escape and we are lucky to be alive.我们死里逃生活下来算是幸运。A fairly narrow range of people are responsible for key decisions.只有少数人负责重大决定。To narrow down its pool of applicants, the school made its admission requirements stricter.为压缩申请人数量,学校出台了更为严格的录取标准。She climbed through a narrow gap in the fence.她从篱笆上一个窄窄的缺口爬过去。The path was so narrow that we had to walk in single file.小路太窄了,我们只得排成一行跟着走。What's happened is that the new results narrow down the possibilities.现有的情况是,新的结果缩小了可能性的范围。He's making an effort to get back on the straight and narrow.他在努力回归安分守己的生活。The driver had difficulty turning in such a narrow drive.驾驶员难以在这样狭窄的一条车道里调头。In Cholon's narrow streets, Europeans were far rarer than on the boulevards of Saigon.比起西贡的大道,堤岸的狭窄街道上欧洲人少得多了。The last stretch of road is a narrow lane bordered by trees.这条马路的最后一段是两旁有树木的狭窄小道。Suddenly the light went out and the narrow stairs were plunged into darkness.灯突然熄灭了,狭窄的楼梯陷入一片黑暗之中。We walked into a long narrow hall.我们走进了一个长而狭窄的大厅。He had a narrow escape from a tiger.他险些在虎口丧命。The two lakes are connected by a narrow canal.这两座湖之间由一条狭窄的运河连接着。This narrow highway should be broadened.这条狭窄的公路应该加宽。A narrow ledge runs across the northern face of the cliff.悬崖北边有一条窄窄的岩架穿过。I traversed the narrow pedestrian bridge.我走过狭窄的人行天桥。They tried to burrow a narrow path upward.他们试图朝上挖一条通道。Sailing boats lay at anchor in the narrow waterway.帆船停泊在狭窄的水道上。




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