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词汇 must do
例句 We must do everything in our power to ensure the success of the conference.我们必须尽一切能力保证会议圆满成功。You must do exactly as I say.你必须完全按照我说的去做。These, then, are the things you must do.总之这些都是你必须要做的事。I applaud their efforts to clean up the city, but they must do more.我赞赏他们为清洁城市做的努力但他们必须再接再厉。This, then, is what you must do.总之,这就是你必须做的。I must do the bedrooms before the guests arrive.我必须在客人到达之前把卧室收拾干净。Anna's jaw firmed as she thought of what she must do.安娜想到必须做的事,下巴就挺了起来。He insists that I must do it by myself.他坚持这事我必须独力完成。She must reconcile herself to the fact that she must do some work if she wants to pass her exams.她必须接受这样一个事实: 要想通过考试,就必须下点工夫学习。There's no room for passengers on this project; everybody must do his share of the work.这个项目没有白吃饭的份儿;每个人都要完成自己的工作份额。You must do whatever is best for you.什么对你最有利你就得做什么。Some things one must do oneself.有些事情必须亲自去做。I think I must do it; this may be the main chance.我认为我非做不可,这可能是大好机会。I told him what he must do. 我告诉过他必须做哪些事。Richer countries must do more to cut back carbon emissions.较富裕国家必须作出更大的努力减少碳排放量。If we disarm, then they must do likewise.如果我们裁军,他们也必须裁军。We must do penance for our sins.我们必须苦修赎罪。The company now knows what it must do to keep off the rocks.这家公司现在知道该怎么办才不致倒闭。I shall help you once but then you must do it by yourself.我将帮你一次,不过以后你就得自己做了。To will is not enough, one must do.想干还不够,必须动手干才行。All citizens must do as the law requires.凡是公民均应按法律的要求办事。The first thing they must do is disentangle themselves from the past.他们的第一要务是要走出过去。I have a checklist of things that I must do today.我有一张清单,列着我今天必须做的事情。They must do their best to maintain sales at their usual rate.他们必须尽可能使销售额保持在平时的水平。You must do as you are told.你必须遵嘱行事。We must do our best to stamp out the crime of drugs.我们一定得花大气力消灭毒品犯罪行为。We must do something to meet the refugees' immediate needs.我们必须设法满足难民眼下的需求。We must do everything possible to lift the siege.我们要尽一切努力解围。My point is simply that we must do something to help the homeless.我的看法很简单,就是我们必须做点什么帮助那些无家可归的人。We must do as we are told.我们必须按吩咐的去办。That was fun. We must do it again some time.那可真好玩,我们什么时候一定要再玩一次。The company must do more to promote their wares overseas.该公司必须进一步努力将产品推向海外。The first thing they must do is disentangle themselves from the past.他们当务之急是先要从过去中走出来。We must do it for the sake of our country.为了祖国,我们必须这样做。You must do as you think fit.你觉得怎么合适就怎么做吧。Both understood that they must do whatever their lord and master commanded.他们俩都知道必须奉命完成主人吩咐的任何事情。World leaders must do more to stop/break this cycle of violence.世界各国领导人必须采取更多措施制止这种暴力的循环往复。We must do more to control the spread of the virus.我们必须采取更多的行动来抑制病毒的传播。The first thing you must do before stepping into a casino is to decide on the amount of your total bankroll.进赌场之前,你要做的第一件事就是决定你的全部赌金数额。His parents laid down the rule that he must do his homework before going out to play.父母规定他必须完成作业后才能出去玩。




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