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词汇 grants
例句 Larger grants may ensure more funding for faculty development.更多的经费会确保为教师队伍的发展提供更多资助。Research grants are plentiful in science and engineering subjects, but much harder to get in the humanities.科学与工程学科得到的研究拨款非常充足,但人文学科要拿到拨款却困难得多。Student grants these days are paltry.如今的学生助学金少得可怜。The council had been handing out grants indiscriminately, and people were hurrying to get their snouts in the trough.市政会一直在不加鉴别地分发补助金,结果人们都趋之若鹜地去捞一份。Most regions in Spain and Portugal qualify for sizeable development grants from the EU.西班牙和葡萄牙的大部分地区都有资格从欧盟得到大笔的发展补助金。Student grants will be frozen at existing levels and top-up loans made available.学生助学金将冻结在现有水平,但可以申请补足贷款。The school has received various grants from the education department.学校得到了教育部门的多项资助。A free helpline has been set up to guide businessmen through the maze of government and EU grants.为帮助商务人士处理纷繁复杂的政府与欧盟拨款事宜而开通了一条免费服务热线。The World Bank makes grants to developing countries but it doesn't just turn the money loose.世界银行拨款给发展中国家,但并不听任随便使用。Theatre companies are very concerned about cuts in government grants to the arts.政府削减艺术拨款,各戏剧演出公司对此非常担心。The organization has doled out millions of dollars in grants.这一组织已发放了数百万美元的补助金。A general discretion was given to him to make grants to particular persons.他被授予发放补助给哪些具体人选的总的决定权。Although students receive government grants, parents are still expected to pay towards living costs.虽然学生可以领到政府的助学金,家长还是应该承担一部分生活费用。You've opened up a whole new can of worms here I think. We could have a whole debate on student loans and grants.我认为你在此引发了一个极为棘手的全新问题,我们可能会就学生贷款和助学金展开一次大辩论。Provincial governments are notoriously chary with grants.省级政府对拨款吝啬得出了名。It's taxpayers like me who pay your grants.为你支付补助金的正是像我这样的纳税人。The program offers grants to small businesses.该计划为小企业提供资助。The government is awarding small, pump-priming grants to single mothers who are starting their own businesses.政府对自己创业的单身母亲给予小额的鼓励性补助金。Some supplementary finance is available in the form of grants or loans.可以得到以补助金或贷款形式提供的某种补充资助。We give grants to support the work of voluntary organizations.我们拨款支持志愿者组织的工作。Their college grants were retracted.他们的大学助学金被取消了。Less than half of the money that students receive is in the form of grants, and loans have made up the difference.学生领到的钱有不到一半是助学金,差额部分由贷款补足。The new government grants are intended to aid small businesses.新的政府拨款是用来帮助小型企业的。Relocated employees received grants towards / toward incidental expenses like buying carpets.工作地点变动的雇员获得购买地毯等费用的杂项补助。Students were able to take out loans to top up their grants.学生能够贷款以弥补助学金的不足。She rarely grants interviews. 她几乎不接受采访。He recently received the Spanish passport which grants him dual nationality.他最近拿到了西班牙护照,承认他的双重国籍。The new tuition fees mean that increases in student grants are effectively cancelled out.新增收的学费意味着助学金的提高其实被抵消了。The grants were intended to provide financial help to unemployed workers.这些资助款旨在向失业工人提供经济援助。There is a lot of competition for research grants.申请研究经费的竞争很激烈。These grants will help communities address the problems faced by young people.这些补助金将帮助社区解决青少年面临的各种问题。Students must put in for grants at least six months before their course begins.学生必须在课程开始前至少六个月申请助学金。The new students were told that they must register with the University before they could claim their grants.有人告诉新生说必须向大学注册了才可以申请助学金。Government grants are being shifted away from the capital to the regions.政府拨款正逐步从首都转向地方。The Constitution grants the president plenipotentiary powers to use military force to protect our national security.宪法赋予总统全权来使用武力保卫国家安全。Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.高等教育助学金是用来吸引学生的一种诱惑。Being a student today with miserly grants and limited career prospects is difficult.现今,做一名补助金少得可怜、职业前景渺茫的学生非常不容易。The Arts Council gives grants for local projects.艺术委员会为地方项目提供资助。The richest areas of the country are getting a disproportionate share of government grants.国家一些最富裕的地方却不成比例地享受着很高的政府津贴。Whole branches of science may not receive any grants.各自然科学学科可能都得不到任何拨款。




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