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词汇 attracted
例句 He attracted some timber and built a shed.他偷了一些木料,搭了一个棚。The case has attracted wide publicity.这个案子吸引了广泛的关注。The company's plans for expansion have attracted scrutiny from consumer groups.公司的扩展计划吸引了各消费群体的审视。The school has attracted funding from a number of sources.这所学校吸引了来自多方面的资金。The prospect of easy profits has attracted the wrong kind of businessman.轻松捞取利润的可能性吸引了一拨不良商人。What attracted me to Valery was her humour.瓦莱丽吸引我的是她的幽默。She was attracted by his smile.她被他的微笑迷住了。They were attracted by the promise of success.他们为成功的征兆所吸引。The game drew/attracted a large gate.这场比赛吸引了大批观众。Magpies are attracted to small, shiny objects, which they carry away to their nests.喜鹊喜欢将亮闪闪的小东西带回巢。The show attracted entries from all over the country.这个展览吸引了来自全国各地的参赛作品。As the company grew, it attracted more workers, more brainpower, more industries.公司在发展的过程中,吸引着更多的工人,更多的智囊人才,更多的产业部门。The shop attracted a loyal following among the well-heeled.这家商店吸引了一批有钱的忠实顾客。Their behaviour has attracted considerable public criticism.他们的行为招致公众广泛的批评。The concert attracted a large turnout.音乐会吸引了大批的观众。The idea has attracted lots of publicity.这个想法引起了众多关注。Perhaps it was that very oddness that attracted me to Glen's music.也许正是格伦音乐的怪异之处吸引了我。The race has attracted a record number of entries.这次比赛的参赛人数创下了纪录。I'm attracted to warm, earthy colours.我喜欢那种泥土般色调的暖色。The fair attracted thousands of people from neighbouring areas.集市吸引了邻近地区数以千计的人。The presidential election has attracted a large field of candidates.总统竞选吸引了大批候选人参加。Buyers are attracted by the sleek lines of the car.顾客们被这部车流畅的线条所吸引。The anti-abortion rally attracted many sympathizers.反堕胎集会吸引了很多支持者。Her eye was attracted to the bright colors in the painting.她的目光被这幅画的明亮色彩吸引了。The murders attracted countrywide attention.这些谋杀案在全国引起了广泛关注。He was nice-looking, but I wasn't deeply attracted to him.他长相不错,但我没有被他深深吸引。Her behaviour during the filming attracted a lot of free publicity.她在拍摄过程中的举止吸引了许多媒体对其进行免费宣传。His novels attracted an enthusiastic cult.他的小说吸引了一群狂热的读者。News of the attack attracted worldwide attention.这次袭击的消息引起了全世界的广泛关注。His funeral services attracted hundreds of mourners.他的葬礼上有成百上千的吊唁者。He has attracted much interest by setting ancient religious texts to music.他因为给古老的宗教经书谱曲配乐而备受关注。Jim was attracted to the Italian girl.吉姆对那位义大利女孩产生了好感。What attracted buyers to this house was its roominess.对买主来说,这栋房子的吸引人之处是它的宽敞。Her shouting attracted some curious glances from other people in the restaurant.她的叫喊引来了饭店里其他一些客人好奇的目光。It's not a death wish, but I am strongly attracted by danger.这不是求死的愿望,我只是被危险强烈地吸引住罢了。The trial has attracted international attention.这次审判引起了国际关注。The sale attracted a veritable mob of people.这次大减价着实吸引了一大群人。The film has attracted considerable attention since it was released last week.这部影片自上周发行以后已引起了相当多的关注。The improvement in standards has been steady and persistent, but has attracted little comment from educationalists.标准一直在持续提高,但却几乎没有教育学家对此发表意见。In spite of her hostility, she was attracted to him.尽管自己心存敌意,她还是为他所吸引。




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