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词汇 表演
例句 There was something lacking in her performance.她的表演缺少了点什么东西。He re-enacted scenes from his TV series.他再次表演了他在连续剧中的情节。Her performance was adequate but lacked originality.她的表演还过得去,但缺乏独创性。The actors are very good, but when all is considered the laurels must surely go to the director of the play.演员的表演很出色,但如果综合考虑,这份荣誉应该授予该剧的导演。He's performed his comedy show in nightclubs across the country.他在全国各地的夜总会表演他的喜剧秀。The actor gave a stiff and mechanical performance.这名演员的表演僵硬而呆板。She received some polite applause despite the mistakes in her performance.尽管表演时出了些差错,她还是得到一些出于礼貌的掌声。He bought us tickets to the best show in town.他为我们买了门票去看市中心最精彩的表演His performances lack that creative spark.他的表演缺少点儿创意。The fireworks over Golden Gate Park were really neat.金门公园的烟花表演非常精彩。Her performance sent a chill/shiver up/down my spine. 他的表演令我兴奋不已。His asthma was acting up and he wheezed throughout the show.他哮喘病发作起来,整个表演他都气喘不止。The actors broke into a song and dance number.演员们突然开始表演一段歌舞节目。She wasn't willing to strip for such a small audience.她不愿给这么少的一批观众表演脱衣舞。The actors' performances were lifeless.演员们的表演死气沉沉的。The show has captured the attention/interest of teenagers.表演吸引了青少年的注意/兴趣。He gave a magnificent performance.他的表演非常精彩。The Marx brothers were famous for their comedy routine.马克斯兄弟因表演一套喜剧剧目而出名。The festival will feature pyrotechnics, live music, and sculptures.节日里将有烟花表演、现场音乐会和雕塑展览。Her performance was the highlight of the show.她的表演是那场演出中最精彩的部分。The performance brought the house down.这一表演博得了满场喝采。The crowd seemed positively underwhelmed by the performance.对这次表演,观众似乎确实感到兴味索然。She had started to devote her energies to teaching rather than performing.她已经开始将精力从表演转移到教学中。Her acting is completely spontaneous and uninhibited.她的表演非常自然,无拘无束。The actor gagged it up too much.演员在表演中插科打诨太多了。Her performance was acceptable, but not stunning.她的表演差强人意,算不上精彩。The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus.孩子们正在表演耶稣诞生的故事。We were hoping the show would be a really big success.我们希望这场表演能大获成功。The last item on the program was a grand display of fireworks.最后一项节目是大型烟火表演They were due to perform a duet last year but fell out during rehearsals.去年他们原本打算表演二重唱,但在排练中闹翻了。The acting in that play was badly overdone.那部戏里的表演太夸张了。It was a desperately lifeless performance from Dundee.这是一个来自邓迪的非常沉闷的表演Her performance in the ballet earned her thunderous applause and shouts of acclamation from the audience.她的芭蕾舞表演赢得了观众雷鸣般的掌声和阵阵喝彩。There was little sparkle in their performance.他们的表演缺乏亮点。We went to see the movie for its camp value.我们去看那场电影是为了欣赏它滑稽可笑的表演形式。His performance really stood out.他的表演真的非常出色。It was performed entirely in mime.它完全是以哑剧形式表演的。The band has been rapping at local clubs.这个乐队一直在当地俱乐部表演说唱歌曲。The sex scenes were just good acting. We didn't do it for real.床戏只是逼真的表演。我们没有来真的。When she was cast in the role of the princess, she was already a known quantity from her work in several films.在扮演公主这个角色时,她已经因在几部影片中的表演而名声在外了。




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