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例句 Nothing cements a friendship between countries so much as trade.没有什么比贸易更能巩固国家之间的友谊。She doesn't talk about her husband half as much as she did when he first died.比起她丈夫刚去世时,她现在已不大提到他了。The doctor encouraged her to stay out in the sunshine as much as she could.医生鼓励她尽量到户外晒太阳。There was not so much as a trickle of water.连一道细流都没有。You can shout as much as you like but it won't make a ha'porth of difference - you're not going.你尽可以大喊大叫,但这什么也改变不了——你不能去。Violence in the home is a crime, just as much as violence from a stranger.家庭暴力同陌生人暴力行为一样,都是犯罪。Her coat cost twice as much as mine.她的外套比我的贵一倍。Don't be a mug! That picture's not worth as much as that!别傻了!那幅画不值那么多钱!They want peace as much as we do.他们同我们一样希望和平。Laura had not reproached him, never so much as mentioned it.劳拉没责备他,甚至提都没提那件事。The doctor left after giving instructions that she should rest as much as possible.医生嘱咐她要尽量多休息后就离开了。If you ask as much as that for your house, you will price it out of the market.你的房子要价那么高的话是卖不出去的。Some of the sale goods have been marked down by as much as 30%.有些商品的售价已降低30%。The mention of price rises sent citizens out to their shops to buy up as much as they could.一提到涨价,市民们都冲进商店里尽可能多买。This dress costs half as much as that one.这条连衣裙的价格只有那条的一半。The room was small and dark, without so much as a ray of light to brighten the gloom.房间窄小昏暗,连一丝光线也没有。She knew the truth, much as she wanted to deny it.她知道真相,尽管她想否认这一点。I've done as much as I can - now all I can do is wait and see what happens.我已尽力而为了一现在我能做的就是等等看会发生什么。Until women are paid as much as men, they will be competing on unequal terms.在男女同工同酬前,妇女将会一直在不平等的条件下与男人竞争。Individual student memberships cost about as much as the average movie.学生个人会员费大约相当于看一场普通电影的费用。I try to keep myself busy as much as possible.我尽量让自己保持忙碌。He wants to get elected every bit as much as his brother does.他一心想当选,迫切程度和他兄弟一模一样。Laura had never so much as mentioned it.劳拉甚至提都没提那件事。He reflected ruefully that his money didn't buy as much as it used to.他懊恼地想着自己的钱已经贬值。He can come back to work when he's feeling better, but meanwhile he should be resting as much as possible.他感觉好一些时就可以回来工作,但在此期间他应该尽量多休息。He as much as admitted that he was a failure.他实际上已承认自己是个失败者。 We have to walk a considerable distance to find so much as a newspaper stand.就连找一个报摊,我们也得走很多路。 You can simply go on putting off the evil day and eventually find yourself smoking as much as ever.你当然可以想方设法摆脱,但最后你会发现自己还是像以前一样拼命抽烟。She can't love you half as much as I do.她不可能像我这样爱你。Spend as much as you need to, within reason.只要在合理的范围内,你需要花多少钱就花多少。The UN has promised to help as much as it can.联合国已经承诺尽力提供帮助。There's nothing he likes so much as a good fight.没有什么比精彩的搏斗更让他喜欢的了。I hate Lewis and his kind just as much as you do.我和你一样痛恨刘易斯之流。Peter didn't so much as blink when I told him.当我告诉彼得时,他甚至连眼睛都没眨一下。Animals feel pain just as much as we do.动物和我们一样也会感觉到疼痛。Simplifying my poems means reducing them to essences, stripping them as much as possible of excess baggage and getting down to the basic issues.简化我的诗歌就要将其浓缩至精华,尽量删去冗余的词句,一语中的。I didn't like this novel as much as the other one.我对这本小说的喜爱程度不如另一本。She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can.她是个电视迷,看起电视来没完没了。Motorbike manufacturers are selling to the grey market as much as to younger people.摩托车制造商们卖给白发市场的摩托车和卖给年轻人的一样多。There wasn't so much as a hint of nookie between them.他们之间没有发生过性关系的迹象。




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