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例句 The students' low test scores don't say much for the education they're receiving. 学生考试成绩差说明他们没有得到良好的教育。She deserves credit, in my book, for much of the company's recent success.我认为公司近期取得的业绩很大一部分都得归功于她。He pays too much heed these days to my nephew Tom, and Tom is no great thinker.他最近过分重视我侄子汤姆的话了,而汤姆根本不是什么伟大的思想家。In spite of all his swank, he's never really achieved very much.虽然他喜欢卖弄,但他从来都没取得多大成就。She's much brighter than all the other children in her class.她比班上的其他儿童要聪明得多。Your boss must think highly of you if she gives you so much responsibility.如果你的老板对你委以重任,那她肯定是很欣赏你。If you're not prepared to pay for adequate IT support, it's no wonder you lose so much time through computer problems.如果不愿意聘请充足的电脑维修人员,在电脑故障上浪费大量时间不足为奇。Police grew frustrated because they were not getting much backup from the courts.警方变得灰心起来,因为他们没有得到法庭多少支持。We achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force.我们通过劝服比用强硬的武力做到的要多得多。He doesn't have much of a sense of humor.他没有多少幽默感。I hate to think how much money I have spent.我不愿意去想花了多少钱。Don't put in too much shade when you are drawing.你画图时别把阴影部分画得太多。He talks big about his plans, but he hasn't done much yet.他对自己的计划夸夸其谈,但做的却不多。It was a tragic irony that he made himself sick by worrying so much about his health.他因过分担心自己的健康而生了病,这既可悲又可笑。Apart from going swimming occasionally, I don't get much exercise.除了偶尔游游泳之外,我不大运动。We don't have much time before the train leaves.在火车发车之前我们的时间不多了。The doctor suggested that he stay off his feet as much as possible.医生建议他尽量卧床休息。I want to have my old car completely revamped. Can you tell me how much it will cost?我想将我的旧车重新翻修,你能告诉我要花多少钱吗? After hearing Joe's inspiring story, I was determined to raise as much money as I could for Cancer Research.听了乔鼓舞人心的故事之后,我决心为癌症研究会筹集尽可能多的资金。The causes of anorexia are much debated.关于厌食的起因存在颇多争论。The apartment isn't much, but she's made it her own. 这间公寓虽然不大,却被她布置得别具特色。I wish my stomach didn't stick out so much.我真希望我的肚腩没这么明显。Too much of this sort of work turns your brain.这种工作做多了会让你头脑发昏。But anyone looking for income from their investments is in a much worse state.但是,那些指望靠投资获取收入的人境况更为糟糕。He worked as a casual laborer and did not earn much.他当临时工,没有赚多少钱。I have only done that much so far.到目前为止,我只完成那么点。 It is morally imperative to involve patients as much as possible in these considerations.在道德上有必要使病人尽可能多地参与这些事情的考虑中。Mum didn't like Mark very much when she first met him.妈妈第一次见到马克时不太喜欢他。They do not charge much for carriage.他们只收一点儿运费。There's too much slack in the rope.绳子太松了。He looked much shorter in the flesh than on television.他本人比在电视上看上去要矮得多。After much searching, I winkled out an old suit of armour for the play.我东寻西找,才找出一副适合演戏用的古盔甲。Tell me Clare, how much do you weigh?告诉我,克莱尔,你有多重?She looks very much like her mother.她长得酷似她母亲。You should give much more attention to your lessons.你该加倍注意你的功课。 His ambitious plans never came to much.他雄心勃勃的计划从未有过太大的进展。The guard left us pretty much alone.卫兵基本上没来打扰我们。The city's crime problem has not been solved, and indeed the chief constable has admitted as much himself.该市的犯罪问题尚未解决,实际上警察局长自己也这么承认。I've pretty much finished here.我这儿基本上完成了。Our children are so ungrateful - they don't realize how much we do for them.我们的子女很不知感激,他们不知道我们为他们付出了多少。




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