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词汇 gross
例句 The omission of this chapter from the third edition was a gross oversight.第三版漏印这一章是个大疏忽。That's a gross exaggeration.那是明显的夸大其词。The movie was expected to gross millions, but that forecast was wide of the mark.这部影片预计有几百万的收入,但是这个预测太离谱了。They were found guilty of acts of gross indecency.他们因存在严重猥亵行为而被判有罪。He made a gross mistake but refused to admit it.他犯了严重的错误却不肯承认。The prime minister was in a combative mood, twice accusing the opposition of gross incompetence.首相斗志旺盛,两次指责反对党极端无能。There is a gross error in the text.文稿中有一处明显的错误。They have suffered a gross injustice.显然,他们遭受了不公正待遇。She was fired for gross incompetence.她因极不称职被解雇。The difference between gross negligence and recklessness is a legal grey area.在法律上,严重过失和鲁莽行事之间的区别尚不好界定。He wears really gross holiday outfits.他穿着十分难看的节日服装。I think it would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.我认为说他们是受自身利益的驱使是对事实的严重歪曲。I consider this a gross oversight on your part.我认为这是你的严重失误。Damages received for personal injuries are excludable from gross income.因人身伤害而得到的赔偿金不计入总收入之内。These manufacturers have high gross margins.这些生产商可以赚得很高的毛利。His gross mismanagement left the company desperately in need of restructuring.他在经营管理上的重大失误使公司陷入亟须重组的境地。The company described reports of environmental disaster as gross exaggeration.该公司称,关于环境灾害的报道是严重夸张了。What was the gross weight of the shipment?这批货物的毛重是多少?It would be a gross exaggeration to describe the film as a masterpiece, but it has some good moments.把那部电影说成是经典之作是太夸张了,但有些场面拍得不错。Ooh, gross! I hate spinach!噢,真恶心!我讨厌菠菜!He was assailed for gross misconduct.他因严重渎职而受到抨击。The meal was truly gross.饭菜真是令人恶心。The way they treat women there represents a gross violation of human rights.他们那里对待妇女的行为是在公然侵犯人权。It would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.说他们受私心驱动是对事实的严重歪曲。Is reading a child's diary always a gross invasion of privacy?偷看孩子的日记一定是对个人隐私的严重侵犯吗?It represents a gross misuse of power.这是明目张胆地滥用权力。This plant is a gross feeder.这植物需要大量肥料。I consider his remark a gross impertinence.我认为他的话粗鲁无礼。Department stores buy merchandise in the gross.百货商店进货采取批发方式。The company were guilty of gross negligence.公司犯有严重过失。She has a gross habit of chewing on the ends of her hair.她有咀嚼头发梢的恶心习惯。He regretted very much having said something gross.他讲了一些粗话,对此非常后悔。I consider this a gross oversight on his part.我认为这是他明显的疏忽。The appeal court judge described the sentence as a gross overreaction to the recent spate of bombing campaigns.上诉法庭的法官说这一判决是对近来一连串爆炸事件严重的过激反应。He was dismissed for gross misconduct.他因极端恶劣的行为而被解雇。She was fired last year for gross misconduct.她由于严重的不端行为在去年被解雇了。His gross income is $50,000.他的毛收入为五万美元。She stinks of smoke and alcohol. It's gross.她散发着烟酒的恶臭,令人作呕。The police officer found guilty of being drunk on duty was dismissed for gross misconduct.这名警察被发现酒后值勤,他因这一严重的失职行为而被开除。She was fired for gross misconduct.她因严重滥用职权而遭解雇。




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