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词汇 motorists
例句 The police can fine motorists on the spot for driving offences.警察可以给违反驾驶规定的驾驶者当场罚款。The report hammers the motorists who drive without seat belts.这份报告严词谴责了那些开车不系安全带的驾驶员。The police are advising motorists marooned by the blizzards to stay in their cars until the rescue services can reach them.警方建议被困于暴风雪中的驾车者在救援人员到达前先呆在车中。Service stations use petrol as bait to lure motorists into the restaurants.服务站用汽油当诱饵,诱使开车的人进餐馆。Some roads may be icy and motorists are advised to drive with caution.有些道路可能会结冰,建议驾驶员谨慎驾驶。The deer are a hazard to motorists.鹿对机动车驾驶者来说是个威胁。Police warned motorists to allow extra time to get to work.警方告诫驾车者出门上班要留出富余时间。Zena is one of a small but rapidly growing number of motorists choosing to buy a car over the Web.泽娜是选择从网上购买汽车的一群汽车驾驶员中的一员,这群体虽小,却增长迅速。Behind him was a long queue of angry motorists.在他的身后,愤怒的司机排成了长龙。Service stations use petrol as a bait to lure motorists into the restaurants and other facilities.加油站以汽油为诱饵,吸引开车的人用餐以及使用其他设施。Police have issued a reminder to all motorists to drive safely.警方给每位驾驶者都发了一份安全驾驶的提示。Traffic congestion is still the biggest bugbear for motorists.交通拥挤仍然是最令驾车者头疼的事情。It's a good idea to paint your bike with luminous paint so that you are more visible to motorists.用发光漆漆自行车这个办法很好,这样机动车司机就能更清楚地看到你。Local police deny that have used racial profiling when stopping motorists.当地警察否认在拦下驾车者检查时带有种族歧视。British motorists have been conned by the government.英国的汽车司机被政府欺骗了。The signs were clearly visible to passing motorists.标记可以被过往的司机清楚地看到。The cameras catch motorists who break the speed limit.摄像头会拍下超速的司机。Lyons is the gateway to the Alps for motorists driving out from Britain.里昂是从英国驱车前往阿尔卑斯山的门户。It's not motorists who give you the most stick, it's the general public.对你批评最严厉的并不是驾车人,而是普通民众。Imposing speed restrictions is easy, but forcing motorists to observe them is trickier.限制车速容易,但强制司机遵守这些限速规定就难办多了。Safety needs to be improved, not only for motorists but also for pedestrians.需要提高行车交通安全。这不仅是为驾车者,也是为行人考虑。The sign was clearly visible to passing motorists.这一标志过路司机可清楚地看见。Dummy patrol cars will be set up beside motorways to frighten speeding motorists.将会在高速公路边放置巡逻车模型,吓唬超速行驶的驾驶员。She sells flowers to passing motorists.她向过路的驾驶员售卖鲜花。Let this be a warning to all motorists who drive too fast.让这成为所有开车过快的驾驶员的鉴戒。He ordered the dismantling of police checkpoints on highways, which were being used to shake down motorists for bribes.他下令取消公路上的警方检查站,因为警察们在这些地方向司机强行索要贿赂。Passing motorists honked their horns.路过的司机都按响了喇叭。Traffic police stood at various points, waving the motorists onward.交警站在许多地方,打着手势让司机往前开。Many accidents could be prevented if motorists would slow down.如果开车的人放慢速度,很多交通事故都是可以避免的。The police praised motorists for driving sensibly in the appalling conditions.警方称赞驾车人在恶劣的条件下能谨慎驾驶。Rescue services have been working round the clock to free stranded motorists.救援部门一直在日夜不停地工作,解救被困司机。Traffic wardens suffer a barrage of abuse from motorists.交通管理员受到汽车司机不断的辱骂。Hundreds of departing motorists jammed the roads.数百位即将出发的驾车者堵住了道路。A sign warned motorists to drive with care.有一块告示牌警告司机小心驾驶。Cyclists and motorists must both obey the same traffic rules.骑车人和开车人都必须遵守同样的交通法规。The cold snap is leaving motorists hot under the collar as batteries and fuel lines freeze.这股寒流让开车的人很恼火,因为汽车的电池和燃油管都冻住了。Freezing fog and icy patches are expected to cause problems for motorists tonight.冰雾和结冰的路面今晚可能会给驾车者造成麻烦。The advertisements by the side of the road sometimes distract the attention of motorists.路旁的广告有时会转移驾车人的注意。Many motorists have stopped using their cars altogether.许多车手已完全不用他们的汽车了。Rescue services have been working around the clock to free stranded motorists.救援部门在昼夜不停地解救被困的司机。




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