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词汇 侦探
例句 Detectives can now check every criminal's records, which wouldn't be possible without computers.侦探们现在可以核对每个罪犯的记录,没有电脑这是做不到的。The detective was tailing the suspect.侦探在跟踪嫌疑犯。Detectives have run into a conspiracy of silence in the tight-knit communities of the peninsula.侦探们发现这个半岛上关系密切的各群体达成了保持缄默的协定。Detectives are still trying to unravel the mystery surrounding his death.侦探们仍在试图解开他的死亡之谜。Incompetent detective work is another theme of the new novel.这部新小说的另一个主题是蹩脚的侦探工作。Detectives questioning neighbours soon found themselves with a windfall of leads.在街坊中调查的侦探们很快就发现他们无意中已掌握了一批线索。The detective stubbornly persisted with his questions.侦探执意继续问他的问题。The detective, nicknamed Holmes, is a terror to criminals.那个外号叫福尔摩斯的侦探令罪犯闻之丧胆。When you're a detective you learn to weigh people up quickly.如果你是个侦探,就得学会快速判断一个人。The detective was sent to investigate the crime.那位侦探被派去调查该罪行。He was an old-time detective.他是一位老式侦探Detectives finally ran the terrorists to ground in an apartment building in Chicago.侦探们历尽艰辛终于在芝加哥的一座公寓楼内挖出了恐怖分子。Detectives on the murder inquiry have taken in a new suspect for questioning.调查这起谋杀案的侦探们又带了一个新的嫌疑人来警察局进行审讯。The detective changed his holiday dates when his flight was brought forward and it now clashed with the trial.由于航班提前,侦探更改了度假日期,但是这样一来就和审判冲突了。Detectives are working on a theory that he knew his murderer.侦探们假设他认识谋杀他的凶手,并以此展开侦破工作。Detectives have been intercepting her mail.侦探们一直在截查她的邮件。Detectives found no visible signs of a struggle.侦探没有发现可见的挣扎迹象。Homicide detectives interviewed everyone in the apartment building.重案组侦探约谈了公寓大楼里的每一个人。Detectives are still searching for those who violated the graveyard.侦探们仍在搜捕那些亵渎了墓园的家伙。Detectives launched an operation involving Interpol and Nigerian police.侦探们联合国际刑警与尼日利亚警方开展了一项行动。They had her watched by detectives.他们把她置于侦探的监视之下。Sherlock Holmes was Conan Doyle's fictional detective.歇洛克・福尔摩斯是柯南・道尔笔下虚构的侦探The detective finally broke the case.侦探最终破了案。Each neighborhood had its own organization of snoops who reported strangers to the authorities.每个居民区都有自己的侦探组织,他们向当局汇报陌生人的情况。Detectives interviewed the men separately over several days.几天内,侦探们分别盘问了那些人。The movie is about a young policeman who is teamed up with an experienced detective.这部电影讲述的是年轻警察和侦探老手搭档的故事。The detective followed the rut made by the jeep.侦探追寻著吉普留下的车辙痕迹。The detective found the evidence that broke the case.侦探找到了破案的证据。Detectives warned that the men could inflict serious injury.侦探们提醒说这些人可能会造成严重伤害。Detectives have so far failed to trace the missing woman.侦探们到目前为止还没追查到那位失踪妇女的下落。Detectives trailed Evans for weeks.侦探们跟踪埃文斯有几个星期了。The detectives hashed out their theories about who committed the murder.侦探们谈起了他们各自对谁是凶手的推测。The detective was nosing around in the crowd for pickpockets.侦探在人群中四下探察,看有没有扒手。The detective is in charge of tracing missing persons.这位侦探负责查找失踪人员。The detective believes the missing gun is the key to the mystery.侦探认为那把丢失的枪是侦破这宗疑案的线索。Detectives leading the hunt for the killer believe he may be in hiding.指挥追捕的侦探们认为杀人凶手可能躲起来了。The detective bombarded the rogue with questions.侦探向那个无赖连珠炮似地提出许多问题。Detectives followed the man as far as the harbour, but then he jumped into a speedboat and got clean away.侦探们跟踪那个男子到了港口,而他却突然跳上一艘快艇,逃得无影无踪。Detectives are on the case.侦探们正在调查此案件。Those detectives have been poking about here.那些侦探一直在这儿附近打听。




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