例句 |
Out of everybody at school she was the person who helped me most of all.学校里所有的人当中,她给我的帮助最多。His music was the thing he loved most of all.他最钟爱的东西是他的音乐。He was friendly and intelligent, but most of all he was a good worker.他友善、聪明,但最重要的是他工作干得好。Swimming and soccer are fun, but I like dancing most of all.游泳和足球都很有意思,但我最喜欢跳舞。She said she wanted most of all to be fair.她说她最想要的是公平。This is the thing that worries me most of all.这就是最使我担忧的事。What the people here need most of all is food and clean water.这里的人们最需要的是食物和清洁的水。 |