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词汇 most of
例句 They spend most of their time polishing shoes.他们大部分时间都在擦鞋。I'm told that most of what's been reported in the newspapers is not too far off the mark.我被告知报纸上报道的大部分内容是基本准确的。When the company president is ill,most of his work will devolve on(或upon)his deputy.公司总裁生病期间,他的大部分工作将由副总裁代理。I was the fat kid through most of my teenage years.我十几岁的时候基本没瘦过。He's out of his head on smack most of the time.他多数时间都因吸食海洛因而精神恍惚。Total nudity is still a definite no-no on most of Europe's beaches.欧洲大多数海滩仍严格禁止全裸。Allopathic medicine is what most of us encounter when we go to the doctor.医生给我们开的通常是对抗性药物。On the first morning of the conference, most of us were still jet-lagged.举行会议的第一个早上,我们大多数人仍感到时差还没有调整过来。They have trade-unionized most of the workers.他们已经使大部分工人都加入了工会。She spends most of her money on clothes, and scrimps on food.她把钱大部分花在衣着上,在吃的方面则十分俭省。The Americans hold most of the aces in this technology.这种技术美国人占绝对优势。The racks along the wall held most of the costumes.大多数演出服都搁在靠墙的架子上。He was unruly in class and made an enemy of most of his teachers.他因上课调皮捣蛋而成为大多数老师的眼中钉。There were a couple of good performances, but most of the players didn't really do themselves justice.有几场打得很精彩,但大多数球员并没有完全发挥出来。The town centre is dying, and most of the shops have closed down. It's terribly sad.城镇中心在败落,大部分商铺都关门了。真令人悲哀。It was the morning of the World Cup Final and most of the players had butterflies in their stomachs.那个上午是世界杯决赛,大部分球员心里都七上八下。She said she wanted most of all to be fair.她说她最想要的是公平。Having spent most of his life in the Middle East, he knows the form.他在中东过了大半辈子,懂得那里的规矩。Television gets most of its stories from the very tabloid newspapers it is so fond of attacking.电视上的大部分故事正是取材于它热衷于抨击的通俗小报。Housework takes up most of my time in the evenings.晚上,做家务占用了我大部分时间。The US supplied the machinery, the know-how, and most of the capital.美国提供机器、技术以及大部分资金。They did most of the painting themselves.大部分的粉刷工作都是由他们亲自干的。We sold them most of their modern weapons and now we are reaping the bitter harvest.他们大部分的现代化武器都是我们卖给他们的,现在轮到我们自食其果了。It's a shame - he had (a) gippy tummy most of the time he was away.真可惜——假期的大部分时间他都在拉肚子。I made quite a lot of money, but I rashly gave most of it away.我赚了不少钱,但是大部分被我轻率地花掉了。I seem to spend most of my time running around after those kids.我大部分时间好像都在围着那些孩子们转。His pronunciation was incomprehensible to most of us.他的发音我们大多数人很难听懂。We expect to fill most of the openings through internal promotion.我们希望通过内部提升来填补大多数职位空缺。She spends most of her time looking after the kids.她大部分时间都花在照看孩子上了。Our cat spends most of his time sleeping.我们的猫把大部分时间都用在睡觉上。Her religious fanaticism has alienated most of her old friends.她在宗教方面的狂热态度使她大多数老朋友都与她疏远了。If you do most of the cooking beforehand, you'll enjoy the evening more.如果你事先把大部分菜做完了,这个晚上你会玩得更开心。Girardo was out of action with various injuries for most of last season.上个赛季大多数时间吉拉多都因为各种伤病而不能上场。They had piled most of their rubbish into yellow skips.他们把大多数的垃圾堆到了黄色的废料桶里。On Wednesday afternoons most of the students have free time.星期三下午大多数学生都有闲暇。The after-school programme suits the needs of most of the children.课外活动适合绝大部分孩子的需要。The rag soaked up most of the water.那块破布将大部分水吸干了。He left most of his property to his eldest son and heir.他把大部分财产留给了长子。He found most of them insufferably arrogant.他发现他们当中大部分人都傲慢得让人难以忍受。The Mafia makes most of its money from prostitution and extorting money from small businesses.黑手党的大部分钱都是通过做卖淫生意,以及向小型企业勒索得来的。




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