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词汇 coded
例句 He had been sending coded messages to the enemy.他一直给敌人发送密码信息。They have sent coded messages to the Education Secretary endorsing this criticism.他们隐讳地向教育部长传达了支持这一批评的信息。Examiners only see coded scripts.考官们只能看到有代号的答卷。The whole speech might well be interpreted as a coded message to the Americans.整个演讲完全可以看成是在向美国人传递编码信息。They coded each sample and sent them to the lab for analysis.他们把每种样品都编了码,送到实验室进行分析。They have sent barely coded messages to the Education Secretary endorsing this criticism.他们几乎毫不隐讳地向教育部长传达了支持这一批评的信息。Tourists can use the colour-coded map to guide themselves on walks of the city.游客可以利用这张标有色标的地图作指引,寻找城里的旅游路线。They voiced their criticism in coded statements.他们用婉转的话语表达了批评。The coded message was indecipherable.这份密码电报无法破译。Each path is coded to show the level of difficulty.每条路线都按困难程度编了号。The trails on the mountain are all color coded. 山上所有的小路都用颜色做了标记。Programmers coded the data.程序员们把数据编成了指令。All the tickets are coded.所有的票都编了号。He looked at the coded message, frowning in concentration.他盯着密码文,皱起眉头陷入了沉思。Each item was coded for point of origin.每一件物品都标明了来历。The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials.编码信号由碟形卫星天线接收。The contents are emptied into color-coded buckets.东西都被倒进不同颜色的桶里。Her speech was a coded attack on the former leader.她的演讲是对前任领导变相的攻击。Each product has been coded.每件产品都有编号。The message was coded.信息被编成了密码。It's widely assumed that his lyrics were coded references to homosexuality.大家普遍认为他的歌词是在影射同性恋。The machines were coded so we could tell them apart.机器都编了号,便于我们区分。He could make nothing of the coded message. 他对加密信息一窍不通。The general sent a coded message.将军发了一条加密信息。Return envelopes were colour-coded with red trim for Kansas, green for Ohio.堪萨斯州的回件信封标上红边,俄亥俄州的回件信封标上绿边。The map is colour-coded and easy to follow.这张地图有色标,很容易看懂。




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