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词汇 moral duty
例句 My moral duty as Secretary General of the United Nations is to do everything possible to avoid war.我作为联合国秘书长在道义上的职责是尽一切可能制止战争。It is our moral duty to stay and help.我们在道义上有责任留下来帮忙。A man has a moral duty to obey the law.每个人都在道德上有义务遵守法律。There is a sense of moral duty implicit in her writings.在她的作品中,隐含着一种道德责任感。People have a moral duty to work for a just world.为公正的社会而奋斗是每个人的道德责任。He felt it was his moral duty to help others.他觉得帮助他人是他道义上的责任。People have a moral duty to obey the law.遵纪守法是人们道德上的义务。




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