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词汇 futile
例句 It was futile to entertain such a question.考虑这样一个问题是没有用的。The president described these activities as futile.总统把这些活动形容为白费功夫。Like many in Russia, she blamed the country's failings on futile attempts to catch up with the West.像俄罗斯很多人一样,她认为国家的错误就在于徒然地竭力追赶西方。Their attempts were impressive but ultimately futile.他们的努力让人印象深刻,但终归徒劳无益。Until attitudes at work are changed, attempts to improve performance are likely to prove futile.工作态度不改,工作表现是好不起来的。Kevin made one last futile attempt to persuade Sandra to go with him, then left.凯文最后一次试图劝桑德拉跟他走,但未能奏效,然后便离开了。It would be futile to sustain his life when there is no chance of any improvement.如果没有任何好转的机会,继续维持他的生命也是无益的。Lizzy stretched, in a futile effort to relieve her aches and kinks.莉齐舒展身体,想减轻疼痛和痉挛,却毫无效果。Demonstrators condemned the summit as a futile and fruitless exercise.示威者谴责这次峰会是徒然无效之举。Attempts to get supplies to the region are futile because troops will not allow the aid convoy to enter the city.往该地区运送物资的努力失败了,因为军方不允许救援物资护送队进城。He brought his arm up in a futile attempt to ward off the blow.他扬起胳膊徒劳地想要挡住这一拳。My efforts to go back to sleep proved futile.我努力想再次入睡,但是却纯属徒劳。After months of futile labor, the scientist suddenly had a brainstorm and solved the problem.数月努力,徒劳无功,科学家突发奇想,问题迎刃而解。Resistance is futile.抵抗是徒劳的。He spent three days in a futile search for Louise.他找了路易斯三天,结果一无所获。The Army makes futile attempts to scare the people back indoors.陆军徒劳地想把人们吓回户内。It's futile trying to persuade him to change his mind.想要说服他改变主意是办不到的。It's futile to try to avoid what destiny has ordained.想要逃避宿命是徒劳的。All his expostulations proved futile.他的一切忠告结果都是徒劳。They made a futile attempt to control the flooding.他们试图控制洪水,但是没能成功。It was futile to continue the negotiations.继续谈判下去也是枉然。He lived a futile life.他一生过得庸庸碌碌。His efforts to save the business were futile.他挽救企业的努力未能奏效。Efforts to convince him were futile.试图说服他纯属徒劳。All our efforts proved futile.我们所有的努力都证明是徒劳无果的。The goal is not to punish the rebels, but to convince them that it is futile to resist.目的不是要惩罚叛乱分子,而是要让他们确信反抗是徒劳的。All efforts to save the child proved futile.挽救孩子生命的一切努力都白费了。Franz realized it would be futile because of the thickness of the glass.弗朗茨意识到由于玻璃太厚,那根本没用。That futile young man does nothing but waste money.那个没出息的青年人只会浪费钱。The peace talks have proved futile.和平谈判证明是徒劳的。




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