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Tim's in one of his moods so I'm keeping out of his way.蒂姆又闹情绪了,所以我就离他远点儿。She'd seen his moods range across the emotional spectrum.她见识过他全部的喜怒哀乐。His moods swung wildly from one day to the next.他的情绪天天起伏很大。Lily was in one of her aggressive moods.莉莉当时不依不饶。Specific gestures can indicate particular moods.具体的手势可以表示特定的情绪。His moods are very changeable.他的情绪喜怒无常。Colour has a profound, though often subliminal influence on our senses and moods.颜色会极大地影响我们的感官和情绪,而这种影响常常是潜意识的。It's no use trying to reason with Karen right now; she's in one of her moods.现在和卡伦讲道理没有用,她又在闹情绪了。His moods swing alarmingly.他的心情时好时坏,令人担心。Her moods were too variable these days.这些天来她的情绪反复无常。He is a man of moods.他是一个喜怒无常的人。I'm at my wits' end trying to cope with his moods.我想让他平静下来,可完全不知道该怎么办。I wanted different moods in each room.我想让每个房间有不同的氛围。She refused to put up with her husband's moods.她拒绝忍受丈夫的坏脾气。His bad moods are a bit hard to take at times.有时他的坏情绪让人很难接受。You can't let her bad moods drag you down.你不能让她的坏情绪影响你。Her aggressive moods alternated with gentle or more co-operative states.她情绪多变,时而咄咄逼人,时而又显得温柔平和或乐于合作。Children can be amazingly perceptive about adults' moods.孩子们如此善于察觉大人的情绪,真是令人称奇。Her aggressive moods alternated with periods of calm.她情绪多变,时而咄咄逼人,时而冷静平和。He reads other people's moods fast.他善于一下子察识他人的情绪。I lived in terror of her sudden caprices and moods.她的任性妄为和喜怒无常让我整天提心吊胆。He's in one of his moods. 他现在情绪不好。Horses are very sensitive to their riders' moods.马能敏锐地感受到骑马人的情绪。Kay's moods sometimes made life difficult, and occasionally impossible.凯的这种情绪使得日子很不好过,有时简直过不下去。I can't keep up with his constantly changing moods.他喜怒无常,让我无所适从。Some people believe your biorhythms can influence your moods and behaviour.有些人认为生物节律能够影响一个人的情绪和行为。She is a woman of many moods. Let's hope she's in one of her cheerful moods today.她这个人喜怒无常。希望她今天有个好心情。When Chris was in one of his moods, he was unpleasant to everyone.克里斯心情不好时看每个人都不顺眼。There was nothing to do but humour her when she's in one of those moods.当她处于这样的心境时,只能迁就她。When Kurt was in one of his moods, he took it out on everyone around him.库尔特心情不好的时候会迁怒于身边的每个人。My moods have leveled out.我的情绪已经平静下来了。I can't abide his bad moods. 我受不了他的坏脾气。His moods were becoming more changeable.他的情绪变得越来越阴晴不定。She was not in the best of moods.她情绪不太好。Leaving aside the tiny minority who are clinically depressed, most people who have bad moods also have very good moods.撇开极少数临床抑郁症患者不谈,大多数情绪低落的人也有心情非常愉快的时候。 |