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词汇 monotony
例句 The loud monotony of his voice wore the listeners down.他那又响又单调的嗓音使听者不胜厌烦。Any little excitement is a sauce to the monotony of her quiet life.任何一丁点儿的刺激都会给她那单调平静的生活增添乐趣。They allowed you to escape from the monotony of small town life.他们能使你从一成不变的小镇生活中解脱出来。A night on the town may help to break the monotony of the week.进城住一晚或许有助于消除一周生活的单调。Her younger students were excited to break from the monotony of the teacher's voice and get involved.她那些年幼的学生都很兴奋,因为他们自己也能参与进来,而不再是单听老师以单调的声音宣讲。The monotony of motorway driving can cause accidents.在高速公路上驾车单调乏味,可能引发交通事故。The warmth of the room and the monotony of the speaker's voice grew soporific.房间里的热气和发言人单调的声音让人昏昏欲睡。The rooms are admirably cool and shady after the hot brown monotony of the countryside.在乡间经受过持续的暴晒后,房间里显得特别阴凉宜人。The sheer monotony of the work is itself exhausting.这项工作非常单调乏味,仅这一点就令人感到疲惫不堪。Sometimes she would try out different routes to relieve the monotony of her daily journey.有时她会走不同的路线,以调剂每天走同一条路带来的单调感。Eating out once a week will break the monotony.每周一次的外出就餐将打破生活的单调。The monotony of prison life is enough to drive anyone insane.单调的监狱生活足以使任何人发疯。His marriage had brought a slight mitigation of the monotony of his existence.他的婚姻使他单调的生活得到了些许缓和。He suggested a card game to relieve the monotony of the journey.他建议打纸牌给旅途解闷。The brief storm was a relief from the monotony of the hot summer afternoon.这场短暂的暴风雨缓解了夏日午后一成不变的炎热。I hate the monotony of work on the assembly line.我痛恨在单调无味的流水装配线上工作。She hated the monotony of the job.她讨厌这种单调的工作。We took turns driving, in order to try and break the monotony.我们轮流开车来解闷。She wanted to escape the monotony of her everyday life.她想摆脱每天一成不变的单调生活。




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