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词汇 monitoring
例句 The police are now monitoring criminal/gang/drug activity in the area.警方正在监视这一地区的犯罪/帮派/毒品活动。The monitoring system allows recognition of pollution hot spots.监测系统可以识别出污染严重的地区。Then, you can define the measures and dimensions in the monitoring model.然后,您需要在监视模型中定义这些测量和维度。The machine is to be used for heart monitoring.这台机器将用于心脏监护。The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.联合国在监督停火方面会发挥重要作用。The problem was discovered during routine monitoring.这个问题是在常规监测中发现的。Gas was detected in sufficient quantity to warrant careful monitoring.检测出的煤气量大到需要小心监控。A UN team is monitoring the development of the peace process.一个联合国小组正在监督和平进程的推进。The intelligence agency is not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens.情报机关通常不会监控守法公民的活动。Information about the illness, the medication, monitoring of health, etc is required.需要有关疾病、药物、健康监护等的信息。The morning passed in alternation between packing and monitoring the radio reports.时而打点行装,时而监听无线电报导,上午就这样过去了。Government agents have been monitoring the enemy's radio communications.政府特工一直在监听敌方的无线电通信。How is the new monitoring procedure working out?新的监督程序运行得如何?This may provide a quick and accurate way of monitoring the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.这也许能提供一个监测空气中二氧化碳含量的既快又准的方法。A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief.资金短缺使联合国无法督导救援工作。UN observers are monitoring the ceasefire.联合国观察员在监督此次停火。We need a better system for monitoring what is going on.我们需要一个更好的系统来监视发生的情况。On top of this is all the information from radars, satellites, radios and the monitoring of communications.另外,还有所有来自于雷达、卫星和无线电的信息,以及通信监测信息。Peter Murray is in London and has been monitoring reports out of Monrovia.彼得·默里一直在伦敦监听来自蒙罗维亚的新闻报道。They are monitoring the movement of animals in and out of the country.他们正在监视出没于该国境内各种动物的行踪。We will be monitoring the situation on the ground.我们会在现场追踪事态的发展。The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.联合国在监督停火的过程中会发挥主要作用。Many employers are resorting to electronic monitoring of their workforce.许多雇主采用电子设备监控员工。How much upset will the new monitoring procedures cause?新的监控程序将会带来多大的混乱?It is a problem that requires constant monitoring.这是个需要始终关注的问题。She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.她承担了监督选举的艰巨任务。They claim that this type of monitoring infringes on the employee's privacy.他们称这种监控侵犯了雇员的隐私。Federal organizations have been monitoring the Internet for deceptive advertisements, consumer fraud, and other unlawful activities.一些联邦机构一直在监控互联网上是否有做虚假广告、欺骗消费者等的违法活动。The monitoring we do complies with the requirements of the Environment Protection Agency.我们做的监控符合环保机构的要求。A surveillance camera supposedly monitoring the site was actually a dummy.那个被认为是监视该地点的监视摄像头其实是假的。They were getting news by monitoring BBC broadcasts.他们通过监听英国广播公司的广播来获得新闻。




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