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词汇 公开
例句 Rivalry between football fans developed into open warfare.足球迷之间的对抗升级为公开的冲突。A possible solution would be to impose delayed disclosure.定时的公开是一种解决办法。The new chairman hasn't been formally appointed, but it's an open secret that it'll be Mr. Smith.新主席虽尚未正式委任,但此缺将属史密斯先生已是公开的秘密。It's an open secret that the security service bugged telephones.安全部门窃听电话是一个公开的秘密。The article was written with the intention of opening up a public debate.写这篇文章的目的是为了引发公开的讨论。The paper is openly critical of the strong-arm president.该报纸对这位铁腕总统进行公开的批评。There was a lot of fallout after the police bribes were made public.警察受贿案公开之后,引起极大的余波。Employers openly flouted the law by failing to request proof of age.雇主公开藐视法律规定,没有要求出具年龄证明。We are holding an open competition to find a name for our new ship.为给新船起名,我们举行了一个公开的竞赛活动。For the Prime Minister, externalizing the problem would divert attention from his domestic troubles.对于首相来说,公开这一问题便会将人们的注意力从国内问题上引开。It's an open secret around the office that they're having an affair.在办公室,他们的绯闻是公开的秘密。Those involved and benefiting from the scandal must be prepared to stand up and be counted.那些与丑闻有牵连并从中受益的人必须准备公开表明态度了。Her relationship with a French millionaire is pretty much an open secret around here.她跟法国一位百万富翁的关系在这里差不多已是公开的秘密。Although there is no overt hostility, black and white students do not mix much.虽然黑人学生与白人学生之间没有公开的敌意,但他们也不怎么来往。My client wishes to remain anonymous.我的客户不希望公开姓名。A woman's sexual history should not be introduced in a rape trial.审理强奸案的时候不应该公开一个女人的性爱历史。She endured a barrage of open abuse and racism during her time at college.她在上大学期间忍受了接二连三的公开辱骂和种族歧视。The band's new CD is not out yet.这支乐队的新唱片还没有公开发售。If we go public with these allegations, do you think he will sue?如果我们公开这些指控,你觉得他会起诉吗?This report was never intended for public consumption.这份报告从来就未打算向公众公开They plan to announce their engagement publicly in the New Year.他们打算在新年里公开宣布订婚。A new plan for reducing traffic accidents was unveiled.一项减少交通事故的新方案首次得以公开They threatened to publish his letters to her and make a fool of him.他们威胁说要公开他写给她的信,让他难堪。These clashes could develop into open warfare.这些冲突可能会发展成为公开的战争。The President's public statements are so obviously out of step with the majority of his party.总统的公开言论跟他党内的大多数人显然很不协调。 The Open Golf Championship will be getting into its second day in a few hours.再过几个小时,高尔夫公开锦标赛将进入第二天的比赛。We can now talk openly about AIDS which we couldn't before.现在我们能公开谈论以前讳言不提的艾滋病问题。We gave them the information on the understanding that it would not be made public.我们给他们提供这一信息的条件是信息不能公开There was public outcry from those opposed to abortion.反堕胎人士公开大声抗议。They readily/openly/grudgingly acknowledged their mistake.他们欣然/公开/勉强承认了错误。Their relationship has deteriorated to the point of open hostility.他们的关系已经恶化到公开敌对的地步。She had publicly ripped into him on a television chat show.她在电视访谈节目中公开大肆批评他。His medical colleagues advised him not to break ranks by talking about the hospital's problems to the newspapers.他的医院同事劝他不要公开表示不满,向报纸谈论医院的问题。Members are asked not to ventilate club problems outside this meeting.要求会员们在这次会议之外勿公开谈论本俱乐部问题。He was selected by open competition, not by patronage.他是通过公开竞争选拔出来的,不是任命的。He was arrested for public lewdness.他因公开猥亵而被捕。The shares could be traded freely on the open market.股票可以在公开的市场上自由地交易。She never agreed to the public exhibition of her sculptures while she was still alive.她从未同意在生前公开展出自己的雕塑作品。He was buried in a private ceremony.他的葬礼没有公开At times party rivalries have broken out into open warfare.政党间的矛盾有时爆发为公开的冲突。




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