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词汇 moment of
例句 He experienced a brief moment of panic.他一时间感到惊慌。Stella had a moment of enlightenment.斯特拉恍然大悟。In a moment of weakness I let him drive my car.我一时心软,就让他开我的车。He might have let something slip in a moment of weakness.他可能一时大意说漏了嘴。She was already dreading the moment of parting.她已经在害怕离别时刻的到来。In a moment of madness, I said I'd help him.我一时糊涂,竟然说要帮他。It was the most traumatic moment of his adult life, and it permanently affected his political philosophy.这是他成人生活中最痛苦的时刻,这一刻对他的政治哲学思想造成了永久性的影响。I told them my secret in a moment of weakness.我一时心神恍惚,把自己的秘密告诉了他们。The ambassador opened the gift in front of all his guests - and the box was empty! It was the most excruciating moment of my life.大使当着所有的宾客打开了礼物—可礼盒竟是空的!这是我一生中最窘迫的时刻。In a moment of aberration he dialled the wrong number.他一疏忽拨错了号码。The play has moments of unintentional comedy.这出戏有非预期的喜剧片断。Lift-off is always the moment of truth for a new rocket.离地升空始终是考验一枚新火箭的关键时刻。Stella had a moment of enlightenment.斯特拉豁然开朗。He enjoyed his moments of solitude before the pressures of the day began.他喜欢在白天的压力到来之前享受独处的时光。This was her moment of glory, and she wasn't going to let anyone spoil it.这是她光荣的一刻,她不想让任何人来破坏兴致。The newspapers charted every moment of his spectacular fall from grace.报纸详细报道了他惊人的沉沦过程。Chris experienced a moment of uncertainty.克丽丝一时感觉没了把握。A few moments of relaxation can work wonders.放松一会儿就可以收到奇效。There was a fleeting moment of suspicion on his face.他脸上闪过一丝怀疑的神色。I still have moments of doubt.有时我仍然会心存疑虑。I just thought I could use a moment of fresh air.我想我需要呼吸一会儿新鲜空气。It was one of the proudest moments of my life. 这是我一生中最荣耀的时刻之一。He agreed in a moment of weakness to go along.他因一时软弱而同意照办。They were aided in their moments of greatest peril by their friends.他们在处境极其危险的时候得到了朋友们的帮助。Finally the moment of truth will be upon you.最后的关键时刻将取决于你。Andrew asserted himself from the moment of his birth, crying lustily when he was hungry.安德鲁自出生那一刻起便显示出自己的强势存在,一饿就会放声大哭。There were moments of real passion in the game.这场比赛有几次令观众情绪激昂。She was kept very busy right up to the moment of her departure.她一直忙得不可开交,直到出发的那一刻还在忙。Soldiers often say that the worst thing about fighting is not the moments of terror, but all the hours of tedium in between.士兵们常说,打仗最糟糕的不是感到恐惧的时刻,而是打仗间歇漫长而无聊的时光。The crowd observed a moment of silence for those who died in the tragedy.人群为灾难中的逝者默哀了片刻。He basked in his moment of glory, holding the trophy up to the crowd.他向观众高高举起奖杯,沉浸在荣耀之中。There were also moments of pure magic.也有一些时刻非常奇妙。The moment of reckoning is approaching.算账的时刻就要来了。At this moment of success I found only an unreasoning sense of futility.在这一成功的时刻我只感到一阵莫名的枉然。He smiled, relishing his moment of command.他微微一笑,品尝着这一刻发号施令的愉快。It's that crash-and-burn moment of stepping on the scale and realizing you have put on weight rather than lost it.当你站到称上发现自己非但没有减肥反而增重了,会感到很挫败。This paper has moments of inspiration, but these are far between.这篇论文有几处神来之笔,可惜难得出现。His playing has many moments of revelatory insights.他的演奏有许多地方都体现了深悟的理解。She took the time to relish her moment of triumph.她趁机享受自己的成功时刻。He had walked out in a moment of anger.他一气之下走了出去。




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