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词汇 moment
例句 It will only take a moment to mop up the spill.只要一小会儿就能擦掉溢出来的东西。Chris experienced a moment of uncertainty.克丽丝一时感觉没了把握。Could I speak to you in private a moment, John?.约翰,我可以单独跟你说一会儿话吗?I took a moment to breathe before applying myself again to the task.在重新投入到此项任务之前,我花了点时间喘口气。Not for a moment did she raise the question of the worthiness of the man she loved.她一刻也没有怀疑过她所爱的人是值得尊重的。He never drew rein for a moment till he reached the river.他一刻不停地一直跑到河边。Sorry, Doctor Pugh is out on a call at the moment.对不起,皮尤医生现在出诊去了。From the moment I first met him I disliked him intensely.我从第一眼看到他就非常不喜欢他。A moment or two later champagne in an ice-bucket materialized beside them.片刻之后,他们身边出现了一只装着香槟的冰桶。We have no job openings at the moment but we will keep your details on file.我们目前没有职位空缺,不过我们会把你的资料存档的。They chose the right psychological moment to announce the plans.他们挑选了最佳时机宣布了那些计划。There was an awkward moment as couples decided whether to stand next to their partners.大家在决定是否要站到自己配偶身旁时,这一刻令人尴尬。With every passing moment they grew more confident.他们不断地变得越来越自信。Pensions are a hot topic at the moment.退休金是目前的一个热门话题。Ed and Dave aren't speaking at the moment.埃德和戴夫现在互不说话了。I just took the bus on the spur of the moment.我是一时兴起才跳上公车的。Miss Hurley is too upset to speak to anyone at the moment.赫尔利小姐这会儿很烦恼,不想跟任何人说话。From the moment she first joined the company, Sally just didn't belong.萨莉从第一天到公司来上班的时候起就与别人格格不入。At that moment my heart was full of joy and thankfulness.此时,我的心充满了欢乐与感激。I was never tempted for a moment to give her away.我从未想到过要揭她的底儿。She was fresh from college and uneager for the moment to marry the boy back home.她刚从大学毕业,不想马上与家乡的那个小伙子成婚。She's out of the office at the moment.她现在不在办公室。Even a moment's inattention can be fatal for a pilot.即使片刻的疏忽对飞行员来说也可能是致命的。Prospects for a peace settlement in the region are not very hopeful at the moment.目前在该地区达成和平协议的希望不是很大。He picked his moment carefully to tell them the news.他小心地找机会告诉他们这个消息。He thought for a moment, stroking his well-defined jaw.他摸着自己棱角分明的下巴沉思了片刻。You need to be aware of what you are doing at any given moment.你要时刻清楚自己在干些什么。For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. I recoiled in horror.我当时以为他要亲我,所以吓得直往后退。You can get a good exchange rate for German money at the moment.目前德国货币的兑换率很合算。Mary's suffering from ill health at the moment.玛丽眼下身体不好。She knew exactly the right moment to ask for a raise.她对要求加薪的适当时机非常清楚。Cellular decay starts at the moment of death.细胞的腐烂在死亡的那一刻就开始了。I'm not suggesting for one moment that these changes will be easy.我并不是说这些变革将会很容易。On the spur of the moment, we decided to head north that day instead of East.那天我们一时冲动,决定改变方向不往东走,而是向北出发了。At that moment, she heard Paula's voice, although the words were indistinguishable.在那一刻,她听到了葆拉的声音,尽管听不清她说了些什么。Mr Haynes is busy with a customer at the moment.海恩斯先生此时正忙着接待一位顾客。The moment of decision has come. You must decide.决策的时刻到了。你必须做出决定。My most special moment with dad was when I was announced as the winner of Junior Beauty Contest.我和爸爸在一起最难忘的一刻,是当我被宣布为青少年选美冠军的时候。My eyes took a moment to acclimatize themselves to the gloom.我的眼睛过了一会儿才适应黑暗。He lay on the bed most of the time, living for the moment.他大多时间躺在床上,过一天算一天。




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