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词汇 unusual
例句 A few unusual cases may have skewed the data. 一些不同寻常的情况也许会使数据出现偏差。This is a not unusual occurrence.这种事并不少见。His eyes were of unusual keenness.他目光异常敏锐。In those days it wasn't unusual for a person to go into service as a child.在那个年代,小孩子当仆人并不少见。In an unusual move the police decided to announce the decision yesterday on local radio.警方昨天采取了特别行动,决定在地方无线电广播中宣布决定。His unusual choice of subjects made it harder to find a job.他选的专业太偏了,导致工作比较难找。Sarah responded with unusual asperity.萨拉以一种少有的严厉语气回答。His unusual business tactics outraged the stiffs of the UK establishment.他的另类经营策略使英国机构里的那些古板的人大为光火。He is an unusual child.他是个与众不同的孩子。He has a nose of unusual size.他有个罕见的大鼻子。She is unusual to the point of eccentricity.她特立独行到了古怪的地步。His profile is very unusual.他的侧影与众不同。She is developing new theories that might shed some light on these unusual phenomena.她正在创立新理论,可能会对解释这些异常现象有所帮助。The bird can be easily recognized by its unusual red and yellow markings.那种鸟的羽毛上有不同寻常的红黄色花纹,容易辨认。It's a very unusual breed of goat, dating back to the time of Cleopatra.这是很罕见的一种山羊,其历史可以追溯到克娄巴特拉的时代。Being self-employed allowed him the flexibility to work unusual hours.自已为自己工作使他可以灵活掌握时间,可以在通常不上班的时间工作。He uses a lot of unusual expressions.他总是用很多生僻的字眼。He took a lot of flak from the other kids for his unusual appearance.他不同寻常的外表遭到其他孩子很不客气的抨击He was helpful, and that to an unusual degree. 他很帮忙,而且不是一般的帮忙。His artwork is marked by unusual uses of color. 他的画作的主要特征是颜色的使用与众不同。Virtual Listening Systems have introduced one of the year's most unusual and clever new products.虚拟听力系统引进了一款今年最不同凡响的、最巧妙的新产品。The book's unusual title intrigued me into reading it.这本书奇特的书名吸引我去读它。Because I had an unusual accent people were not able to put me into a pigeon-hole.因为我与众不同的口音,人们无法把我归入任何一类。The organization is unusual in several respects.这个机构的特别之处体现在几个方面。Edgar kept us entertained with a stream of unusual and rather saucy stories.埃德加讲了一连串的故事,都很离奇,还带点黄色,逗得我们很开心。Even in England, half-inch diameter hail stones are not unusual.即使在英格兰,直径半英寸的冰雹并不罕见。Her unusual utterance revealed her emotions.她不同寻常的语调暴露出她的感情。Local residents should contact the police if they notice anything unusual.当地居民如果发现任何异常情况应与警方联系。It was considered unusual for a woman to study medicine.女人学医被认为是很不寻常的事情。An eclipse is an unusual occurrence.蚀是不常见的事情。The sparse line of spectators noticed nothing unusual.那一排稀稀落落的观众没留意到任何不寻常之处。They have replanted many areas with rare and unusual plants.他们在许多地方重新种上了珍稀植物。The introduction of carbon dioxide into the abdomen can have unusual haemodynamic effects in older patients.向老年患者腹部导入二氧化碳对血液动力有异常影响。The local people were suspicious of me because of my somewhat unusual lifestyle.我有点与众不同的生活方式使当地人对我感到怀疑。This sauce has a really unusual flavour.这种调味汁有一种很与众不同的味道。It's unusual to have a goalkeeper as (the) captain of a football team.让守门员当足球队的队长是很少见的。Ewing is a player of unusual talent.尤因是一个极具天赋的运动员。The interest of the painting lies in its unusual use of light.这幅画吸引人之处在于其独特的用光技巧。It was not unusual for me to come home late.回家晚对我来说是不稀奇的。It's unusual for a woman to do this job.由女性做这项工作并不常见。




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