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词汇 unused
例句 Batteries which are unused for long periods may have to be recharged.长久没有使用的电池可能需要重新充电。The insurance on his BMW has run out, and the car stands unused.他的宝马汽车保险已期满,车子却一直未开过。He was a successful man, unused to sitting still.他是个成功人士,不习惯坐着不动。Mother was entirely unused to such hard work.妈妈对这么艰苦的工作完全不习惯。If unused, winter radishes run to seed in spring.如果不去动的话,冬萝卜会在春天开花结籽。He cupped his ear, for he was unused to my slurry American tongue.他用手掌兜着耳朵,因为他不习惯我那含糊的美国话。The meeting rooms are left unused for long periods.这些会议室已经好长时间没用了。The unused portion of her initial contribution will be returned to her.她第一笔捐款未动用的部分会退给她。She received a refund on the unused tickets.她收到了那些没使用过的票的退款。Coming from the country, I was entirely unused to city traffic.我从农村来,一点都不习惯城市的交通。She's unused to flying and gets a little anxious in planes.她不习惯乘飞机,一上飞机便有点紧张。The migrant workers squatted on the unused farm.季节工人依法在闲置的农场上定居下来。You can get a refund on any unused travellers' cheques.任何未用过的旅行支票都可退款。The children are unused to city life.孩子们不习惯城市生活。You can carry forward unused tax relief.你可以移后扣减未使用的减免税额。There is a collection of dust in an unused room.空著不用的房间常常积起大量灰尘。He is unused to large crowds.他在众人面前很不习惯。They were unused to looking after money.他们不习惯管钱。I have four days of unused vacation time left.我还有四天假期可用。He had grown unused to this sort of attention.他开始不习惯这样的关注了。Put away the unused plates and cups.把没用过的杯盘拿走。Any unused wool can be returned to the shop.没有用过的毛线可以退还给商店。The books looked faded, dusty and unused.这些书褪了色、落满了灰,看上去尘封已久。If you're unused to exercise your muscles may ache the next day.如果你不经常运动的话,明天可能会肌肉痛。I was unused to being awake so late at night.我不习惯晚上熬到这么晚。The books looked faded, dusty and unused.那些书看上去褪了色,尘封已久。The sled sits unused in the garage during the summer.夏天,雪橇在车库里闲置着。She was quite unused to this way of life.她很不习惯这种生活方式。She is still unused to her new powers.她仍然不习惯自己新获得的权力。You might as well take your father's car - there's no point in having it sit there unused in the garage.你不妨开你父亲的车——没道理让它闲置在车库里。Philip was unused to working as part of a team.菲利浦不习惯于团队作业。She was unused to society and was afraid of making herself conspicuous by some solecism or blunder.她不习惯于社交,生怕因失礼或差错而引人注目。The insurance on his BMW has run out, and the car stands unused.他那部宝马车的保险已过期,而车还没用过。My climbing boots were sitting unused in a cupboard.我的登山靴搁在橱柜里,一直没有穿。His old car sat in the garage, unused.他的旧车停在车库里,好久没有使用了。Maggie was unused to being told what to do.玛吉不习惯有人对她指手画脚。




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