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词汇 misplaced
例句 Perhaps her pessimism is misplaced.也许她的悲观是没有根据的。She realized that her trust had been misplaced. 她意识到自己信错了人。His optimism proved sadly misplaced.很遗憾,事实证明他的乐观是没有根据的。She stuck with him through a misplaced sense of loyalty.她盲目忠诚,一直跟随着他。Her confidence in him was entirely misplaced.她对他的信任完全是错误的。Lenders rely on the misplaced loyalty of existing borrowers to make their profit.放款人依靠现有借款人的无谓忠诚来谋利。His trust in them was misplaced.他错误地信任了他们。The sentence contained a misplaced comma.句子里有一个放错地方的逗号。Half a point would be taken off for a misplaced accent.标错重音位置要扣半分。Maybe your watch wasn't stolen. It was just misplaced.也许你的手表没有遗失,它只是被错置了。Oh dear, I seem to have misplaced the letter.哎呀,我好像忘了把信放在什么地方了。His confidence in himself seems misplaced.他的自信似乎有点盲目。I realized that my trust in him was misplaced.我意识到对他的信任是错误的。The officers were told the records had either been lost or misplaced.官员们被告知记录不是已经丢失就是被放错了地方。History will show that the government's reforms were misplaced.历史将证明政府的改革不合时宜。The general's confidence in his army proved misplaced.事实证明,将军误信了自己部队的实力。I'm sorry, but your confidence in my abilities is misplaced.对不起,但是你高估了我的能力。She misplaced her keys so often that her secretary used to carry spare ones for her.她经常记不起她的钥匙放在哪儿了,因而她的秘书常为她带着备用钥匙。The archivist misplaced his shopping list inside one of the books.管理档案者误置了他的购物单在书的当中一个里面。I suppose her chief fault was misplaced trust, rather than any real crime.我想她主要错在相信了不该相信的人,而不是犯了罪。He misplaced his keys.他忘了把钥匙放在什么地方了。Despite her doubts, she supported the new legislation out of a misplaced sense of loyalty to the leadership.尽管心存疑虑,但出于对领导的愚忠,她还是支持这个新的法规。It's pouring and I've misplaced my umbrella.天在下倾盆大雨,而我却一时记不起把伞放在哪里了。I think your concern is misplaced. Ackroyd is no threat to anyone.我觉得你搞错了担心的对象。阿克罗伊德对任何人都不构成威胁。His criticisms are misconceived and misplaced.他的批评考虑不周且不合时宜。Somehow the suitcase with my clothes was misplaced.不知怎么的,我忘了把装衣服的手提箱放到哪里去了。A telling sign of misplaced priorities is the concentration on health, not environmental issues.主次不分的一个显著迹象是人们专注于健康而非环境问题。Out of misplaced sympathy for his family I never asked for the money back.出于对他的家庭不应有的同情,我一直没有把钱要回来。Her optimism turned out to be misplaced.结果证明她的乐观用错了地方。Somehow the suitcase with my clothes was misplaced.不知怎的,我忘了把装衣服的箱子放到哪里去了。




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