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词汇 miserable
例句 What a miserable little poltroon had fear made of me.恐惧将我变成一个多么可怜的胆小鬼啊!It was very cold, damp and miserable.天气非常寒冷潮湿,令人难受。The man and his wife lead a cat and dog life, and both are miserable.他们夫妻俩经常吵架,两人都感到痛苦。My boss is making my life thoroughly/utterly miserable with her constant demands and criticism.我的老板不断地对我提出要求和批评,让我的日子十分难过。The poor kid's so miserable, he's upstairs crying his eyes out.那个可怜的小孩真惨,他在楼上哭得伤心极了。She's miserable living on her own.她独自生活,非常可怜。They said they had not been ill-treated but that their time in captivity had been miserable.他们说他们没有受到虐待,不过被囚禁期间很痛苦。She has a miserable existence living with him.和他生活在一起,她的日子苦不堪言。Companies dependent on advertising revenue had a miserable year.依赖广告收入的公司那一年境况糟糕。They bleat about how miserable they are.他们诉说他们的生活是多么悲惨。I'm not surprised he's miserable, living in that dank old house.他住在那阴湿的老房子里,对他这种可悲的处境我并不感到惊奇。He always was a miserable man. He never spoke to anybody, not even to pass the time of day.他一向是个脾气乖戾的人,从不和任何人讲话,连招呼也不打。We've been having miserable weather. = The weather has been miserable.天气一直很糟糕。Why should I argue with miserable people like him.我为什么要和像他这样老爱发牢骚的人争论?She has a miserable temper.她的脾气很坏。They were thoroughly dejected and miserable.他们情绪极其低落,愁眉苦脸。What a miserable existence! How could anyone live in such awful conditions?多么痛苦的生活!一个人怎么能在这么糟糕的条件下过活?Her husband's overbearing manner made her miserable.丈夫盛气凌人的态度使她苦恼。I saw Margaret this morning looking as miserable as sin.今天早晨我看见了玛格丽特,她看起来很不高兴。She eked out a miserable living as a washer woman.她靠给人家洗衣服来勉强维持生计。Sam felt cold and utterly miserable.萨姆觉得又冷又凄凉。It was a miserable wet day.那是一个糟糕的雨天。He did a miserable job making the sign. 他的标牌做得非常差劲。The boys slung stones at the miserable cat.这些男孩向那只可怜的猫扔石头。She felt miserable for months after she got her divorce.她离婚后心里难受了好几个月。The poor miserable animals were starving, dirty and wet.这些可怜的动物饿极了,而且又脏又湿。The coach jolted its passengers terribly over the miserable road.长途汽车在很糟糕的公路上行驶,把乘客们颠得够呛。He tried hard not to think about his miserable life in the past.他努力不去想他过去那段不幸的生活经历。He lived in a miserable little shack.他住在一间破旧的小棚屋里。The business was a miserable failure.生意遭遇惨败。Their evening together had been a miserable failure.他们在一起的那个夜晚极其失败。He felt too miserable and lethargic to get dressed.他心情低落,无精打采,完全没有心思穿衣整装。George was as miserable as ever.乔治和往常一样痛苦。Is something up with Julie? She looks really miserable.朱莉怎么了? 她看上去愁眉苦脸的。It was miserable and cold.天又阴又冷。He was miserable all the time and rows would start over petty things.他总是愁眉苦脸的,常因小事发怒。Rudolph felt depressed and miserable.鲁道夫觉得既沮丧又痛苦。Ever since then he had been peaked, red-eyed, and miserable.自那以后,他便显得憔悴,双眼充血,一副愁眉苦脸的样子。He's such a miserable so-and-so.他是一个如此可怜的家伙。His life became miserable after his marriage to a wench.与这个荡妇结婚后,他的日子过得很惨。




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