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词汇 minutiae
例句 He carefully recorded the minutiae of his social life in his diary.他在日记中仔细记录了自己社交生活的细节。Much of his early work is concerned with the minutiae of rural life.他早期的许多作品关注的是农村生活中一些鸡毛蒜皮的琐事。Don't get bogged down in factual minutiae.别让事实性的细枝末节误事。The committee studied the minutiae of the report for hours.委员会花了数小时研究报告的具体细节。Comedy is so often based on the minutiae of everyday life.喜剧常常取材于日常生活中的琐事。I'm not interested in the minutiae of the research, just its conclusions.我对这项研究的细枝末节不感兴趣,只要结论。He was bewildered by the contract's minutiae.他被合同中的细枝末节搞得晕头转向。Usually it is the trivial minutiae of life that we forget.通常我们忘记的是生活中的琐碎细节。




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