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词汇 millionaire
例句 He is a flamboyant millionaire who ignores social conventions.他是个派头十足、无视社会惯例的百万富翁。He has a master plan for becoming a millionaire.他有一个成为百万富翁的总体规划。He was a millionaire Texas oilman.他是一名德克萨斯石油富商。For a long time he still thought like a millionaire, but he has humility now.长期以来,他仍一直以百万富翁自居,但现在他知道谦虚了。Others have called him arrogant, for flaunting his millionaire lifestyle.他喜欢摆阔,别人都说他自负。Every time you open the newspaper these days someone else has just become a millionaire.如今你一翻开报纸就会看到某某人刚成了百万富翁。The millionaire turncoat is beneath contempt for jumping from the Tories to Labour.从保守党变节到工党的那个富翁叛徒极为可鄙。You want me to buy you a new car - do you think I'm a millionaire or something?想让我给你买辆新车,你以为我是百万富翁吗?The article represents the millionaire as a simple family man.文章把这位百万富翁描述成一个简单的家庭男人。He threw a party worthy of a millionaire.他举办了一场典型的百万富翁式的聚会。She will end by marrying a millionaire.她最终将与一个百万富翁结婚。He had been deceived by a young man claiming to be the son of a millionaire.他被一个自称是百万富翁儿子的年轻人骗了。He chauffeurs a millionaire.他给一位百万富翁当专职司机。It certainly helped that her father is a millionaire!她父亲是个百万富翁,那当然有帮助!He is a multi-millionaire with business interests around the world.他是个在世界各地拥有很多企业股份的千万富翁。By the time he died, he was a millionaire.到他去世的时候,他已经是一位百万富翁了。His money doesn't look much alongside of a millionaire's.同百万富翁相比他的这点钱就不显得多了。He is described as a Texas oil millionaire and environmentalist, which might appear to be self-contradictory.他被描述为得克萨斯州的石油大亨和环境保护者,这看来可能有些自相矛盾。She put on airs after marrying a millionaire.自从嫁了百万富翁后,她就摆起架子。He is a millionaire recluse who refuses to give interviews.他是个喜欢独处的百万富翁,不接受别人的采访。All through his childhood he'd been the poor relation and he had an aunt who was a millionaire.他在整个童年期间都是个穷亲戚,有个身家百万的姑妈。The millionaire's eldest son will succeed to his estate.这百万富翁的长子将继承他的产业。You don't need to be a millionaire to consider having a bank account in Switzerland.想在瑞士银行开个账户,你不必非得是个百万富翁。His biography tells the story of a poor boy who grew up to be a millionaire and lived happily ever after.他的传记讲述了一个穷小子成长为百万富翁并从此过上了幸福生活的故事。His claims to be a millionaire are just wishful thinking.他声称要成为百万富翁不过是痴心妄想。Not long after hitting upon this idea he was a millionaire.想到这个主意不久后他就成了一位百万富翁。The medical foundation will be the main beneficiary of the millionaire's largesse.这个医药基金会将是那位百万富翁慷慨捐助的主要受益者。The true story of a millionaire's meteoric rise from poverty.一个百万富翁白手起家迅速发迹的真实故事She's a millionaire in her own right.她全靠自己的能力挣得百万家产。She was rumoured to be a millionaire.据说她是个百万富翁。I can't afford a new car just now. I'm no millionaire, you know.我现在买不起新车,要知道我可不是百万富翁。He became a millionaire overnight.他一夜之间成了百万富翁。Do you take me for a millionaire?你是不是把我当百万富翁? His father was a self-made millionaire.他的父亲靠自己奋斗成了百万富翁。Jackie sees the comedy in her millionaire husband's thrifty habits.杰姬觉得自己坐拥百万身家的丈夫那些节俭的习惯很可笑。The money to keep the hospital open was provided by a London millionaire.维持这家医院办下去的资金是由伦敦的一位百万富翁提供的。Ed Bass, a millionaire from Texas, bankrolled the Biosphere project.德州百万富翁埃德·巴斯资助了生物圈计划。He was lucky to have found a millionaire patron.他有幸找到了一位百万富翁赞助人。If he isn't a millionaire then he must be next door to being one.即使他不是百万富翁,也一定跟百万富翁差不多。Louis Berg is a multi-millionaire who made his money in the newspaper business.路易斯·伯格是靠报业赚钱的千万富翁。




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