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词汇 nights
例句 The dark nights and cold weather are closing in.黑夜降临,天气开始变冷。He used to like spending Friday nights with the boys.他以前周五晚上喜欢与哥们儿在一起。My interests: eating out, fun nights in, music and laughter.我的兴趣爱好是:到外面下馆子、晚上在家娱乐、听音乐、寻乐子。These late nights are no good for my health.这些天睡得晚对我的健康没有好处。On Saturday nights, the cinema is besieged by young men and women.周末晚上,电影院周围挤满了青年男女。He spent many sleepless nights worrying about his children. 他担心孩子们,常常整夜无眠。They pay her extra to work nights.她上夜班会有额外补贴。The thought of working nights fills me with abject horror.一想到要夜间工作我就觉得惨兮兮的。She babysits their kids on Saturday nights.她每个周六晚上都帮他们照看孩子。He dines alone most nights.大多数晚上他都是一个人用餐。On clear nights we were spellbound by the strange flickering of the Northern lights in the sky.清朗的夜晚,我们出神地看着空中闪闪烁烁、神秘莫测的北极光。I usually go out with the gang on Saturday nights.我一般在周六晚和那帮朋友出去玩。The boat was all adrift two days and nights.这条船漂流了两天两夜。I've lain awake at nights, turning the problem over and over in my mind.我晚上睡不着,脑子里翻来覆去想着这个问题。The job requires that you work some nights and weekends.这份工作要求你有时要在夜间和周末上班。If you don't stop working nights and weekends, you'll burn yourself out.如果你还要继续在晚上和周末工作,你就会累垮的。They're in the boozer most nights.他们大多数晚上都在酒馆里呆着。My husband changed his shifts from afternoons to nights.我丈夫已换了当班时间,从下午班变成了夜班。During cold nights, air condenses on the grass to form dew.在寒冷的夜晚,空气在草地上凝结成露水。They camped for two nights in the forest.他们在森林里露营了两个晚上。I usually have a pint or two at my local on Friday nights.星期五晚上我通常在邻近的小酒馆里喝上一两品脱。I always see Jack on Friday nights, but I'll have to give him a miss for once tonight.我星期五晚上总是和杰克见面,今晚只得作个例外了。Late nights and lack of sleep can seriously affect your performance at work.熬夜和缺乏睡眠会严重影响你的工作表现。The soldiers were suffering from exhaustion after long days and nights of marching.不分昼夜的行军让士兵们精疲力竭。Being a professional actor of necessity means working nights and weekends.当专职演员势必晚上和周末都要上班。All those late nights are finally catching up with me.习惯晚睡最终影响到了我的健康。Most nights I watched the start of the play from the wings.大多数晚上我都是在边厢观看戏剧的开场。I'm going to have to turn in. I'm not used to these late nights.我得睡觉去了,我可不习惯天天熬夜。Terry's what you'd call a man's man - you wouldn't find him at the ballet too many nights a week.特里是人们所说的男人中的男人——我想你不可能见他一周好几个晚上都在看芭蕾舞。We kept the fire stoked up high on cold nights.在寒冷的夜晚,我们把火添得旺旺的。Four days and nights of continuous bombing had left the city in ruins.四昼夜的连续轰炸将该城炸成了一片废墟。He's been staying up all nights, busting a gut over all the work he has to do.他一连几天熬夜,拼命做所有该做的事。The days are warmer, but the nights are very cold.白天比较暖和,而夜晚极冷。Fridays and Saturdays are regular disco nights.周五和周六是固定的迪斯科之夜。On Saturday nights he goes out drinking with his friends.每逢周六晚上他都和朋友出去喝酒。As a rule, I stay in on Friday nights.一般来说,我星期五晚上呆在家里。In contrast to the hot days, the nights are bitterly cold.白天很热,而夜晚却非常冷。Most nights he would cry himself to sleep.大多数晚上他都是哭着入睡的。She wasn't looking forward to the interminable winter nights, alone in the cabin.她可不想一个人孤苦伶仃地在这小木屋度过一个又一个寒冷的冬夜。You should lay off the late nights. 你不应该再熬夜了。




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