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词汇 attack
例句 At first, he thought the Pacific Fleet was under attack from German forces.起初,他以为太平洋舰队遭到了德军的袭击。He struggled with lung disease for many years, but it was a heart attack that finally did him in.他与肺病抗争了很多年,但最终夺去他生命的却是心脏病。I didn't want to take part in the attack but the soldiers made me.我不想参与这次袭击,可是那些士兵逼迫我参与。The attack has led to strains in the relationship between the two countries.袭击事件导致两国关系紧张。There's been much fear that the United Nations peacekeepers would be under attack in a situation like that.人们非常担心联合国维和士兵在这种局势下会遭到攻击。This latest heart attack has crocked him up.最近一次心脏病发作使他的身体垮掉了。There is no one to guard these isolated farms against attack.这几处孤立的农场门户大开,无人守卫。The team's attack has been weakened by injury.那个球队的进攻队员由于负伤而攻击力减弱。Is there any news on the car bomb attack?有没有关于汽车爆炸袭击的新闻?Government forces launched a fierce attack.政府军发起了猛烈的进攻。He could have another heart attack at any moment.他的心脏病任何时候都有可能复发。Civilians were not spared in the attack.平民在袭击中未能幸免。International opprobrium has been heaped on the country following its attack on its neighbours.该国袭击邻国之后,国际上对其大张挞伐。The army made a stand against the fierce attack.部队抵抗敌人猛烈的进攻。Smith's anger got the better of him once again, and he started to attack the referee.史密斯又一次无法控制自己的愤怒,开始抨击裁判。The explosion has all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack.这次爆炸事件是一次不折不扣的恐怖袭击。She felt a bilious attack coming on.她感到一阵恶心。The terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack.这一恐怖组织宣称对这次袭击负责。In the most recent attack one man was shot dead and two others were wounded.在最近的一次袭击中,一名男子遇袭身亡,另外两人受伤。I was directly in the animal's line of attack.我正好位于那动物的进攻方向上。Should the lead pilot have a heart attack, the backup could take over.万一机长心脏病突发,可由副驾驶员接替。She is still trying to get over the attack and the resultant injuries.她仍在努力走出这次袭击事件的阴影,从由此而受的伤中恢复过来。Her father was unhealthy and looked like a prime candidate for a heart attack. 她父亲健康状况不佳,看起来很有可能会心脏病发作。The new minister was almost immediately the object of attack by politicians and press impatient for results.新部长几乎立即成了没有耐心等待结果的政客和媒体攻击的目标。Ground forces were wiped out by the air attack.地面部队被空袭消灭了。A heart attack put him out of action.心脏病发作使他不能继续工作。When mounting a military attack, many generals overlook the importance of logistics.在执行军事攻击的时候,许多将军忽视了后勤的重要。I hope this latest attack will make people think twice about mindless violence towards ethnic minorities.我希望这最近一次的袭击会让大家对用无谓的暴力攻击少数民族的行为作出郑重的思考。Kavanes stepped forward to volunteer for an attack.卡瓦尼斯主动请缨去发动进攻。They produce the venom as a defence against attack by predators.为了抵御掠食者的攻击,它们会分泌毒液。They launched a surprise attack on the Russian fleet.他们向俄罗斯舰队发起了突袭。They had once again driven off the enemy's attack.他们又一次击退了敌人的进攻。She launched a vitriolic attack against us.她向我们发起了一场言辞恶意的攻击。He was carried away by a heart attack.他因心脏病发作而死去。Once the harvest was in, the peasants were free to counter-attack.庄稼一收割完,农民就有时间进行反击了。The film was under attack before it was even screened.这部电影尚未播映就已受到抨击。The candidate went on the attack and accused his opponent of lying.这名候选人开始攻击,指责他的对手撒谎。The planes provided air cover for the attack.这些飞机为攻击提供空中掩护。Dozens of schoolchildren were caught in the attack.几十名学童遭遇了攻击。I have now noticed an attack of greenfly on the fronds.我现在注意到叶子上害了绿蚜虫。




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