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词汇 midnight
例句 At this rate we won't make York before midnight.照这种速度我们半夜都到不了约克。It was well after midnight by the time Anne returned to her apartment.安妮回到寓所的时候早就过了午夜。She says she heard a gunshot at about midnight.她说她大约在半夜时分听到了一声枪响。Their ultimatum expires at midnight.他们的最后通牒午夜时到期。They were trying to beat the midnight deadline.他们要努力赶在午夜的最后期限之前完成。If she wasn't home by midnight her father would lock her out.如果她半夜前还没回家,她父亲就会把她锁在门外。From now on the gates will be locked at midnight.从现在开始,大门将在午夜上锁。He checked the clock on the table; it was almost midnight.他看了下桌上的钟,已经快到半夜了。I called him only two minutes shy of midnight.我打电话给他时,差两分钟就到午夜。The party began to break up shortly after midnight.刚过午夜,聚会就结束了。The ticket ballot for the Games closes at midnight on Friday.比赛门票的抽签在星期五午夜截止。For some reason they took it into their heads to go swimming at midnight.不知是什么原因,他们突然心血来潮半夜里要去游泳。All day crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed the square.整个白天陆续有大批人到来,午夜时有几千人聚集在广场上。The party didn't break up until after midnight.聚会到半夜以后才结束。We stayed up past midnight on New Year's Eve to see the new year in. 除夕,我们守岁以迎接新年的到来。They talked on until midnight.他们一直谈到深夜。At the stroke of midnight, Prince Charming turned back into a rat.子夜钟声敲响时,白马王子又变回了老鼠的样子。We didn't eat till past midnight.直到过了午夜我们才吃东西。He was extremely tired, but he was nevertheless unable to sleep until after midnight.他虽非常疲倦,但仍然到午夜后才睡着。We stayed there until way after midnight.我们在那儿一直呆到午夜过后很久。By midnight, most of the old folk had gone home.到午夜时,大多数老人都已回家。By midnight last night my in-basket was empty.到昨天午夜为止,我收文篮里的信函和文件总算全部处理完了。We heard gunshots just before midnight.快半夜时我们听到了枪声。We stayed up till midnight.我们一直熬到半夜。The racket of drills and electric saws went on past midnight.钻孔机和电锯的噪声过了半夜还继续响着。She went peacefully at about midnight.她大约半夜时分安详地去世了。All the stores on the street were shuttered at midnight.午夜街上所有的商店都关门了。Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until around midnight.客人尽可以喝着咖啡逗留到午夜左右。They routed him out of bed at midnight.他们在半夜把他赶下床。They danced till midnight.他们跳舞跳到半夜。The first watch is from now until midnight.第一班从现在开始到午夜。It's past midnight.已过半夜了。The old lady did not stop sewing until midnight.老太太直到半夜才放下针线活。It was midnight by the time we got home.我们到家时已经半夜了。By midnight the end-of-course party was in full swing.到了半夜,庆祝课程结束的派对进入了高潮。You can borrow the car on one condition - that you promise to be back before midnight.你可以借用汽车,但有一个条件—一你必须保证午夜前回来。Any one loitering at midnight in the street must be up to no good.凡是半夜在街上闲逛的人肯定都没想干好事。The baby arrived at five minutes past midnight.午夜过了五分钟时,孩子出世了。A girl cried for help at midnight.一个女孩在深夜大声呼救。Chris is asleep after burning the midnight oil trying to finish his article.克里斯为了写完文章挑灯夜战,现在已经睡着了。




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