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词汇 middle class
例句 His father was the archetype of the middle class.他父亲是典型的中产阶级。The aristocracy snubs the middle class as the middle class snoots the workers.贵族瞧不起中产阶级,就像中产阶级瞧不起工人一样。With the emergence of the middle class, a lot of domestic consumptions need to be gentrified.中产阶级崛起之后,国内的许多消费都需要士绅化。Brought up in what he describes as "a middle class ghetto", he imagined that all people were as privileged as he was.自称从小在“一个中产阶级聚居区”长大的他,以为所有人都享有跟他一样的待遇。He made a bid for middle class support.他努力试图得到中产阶级的支持。Teachers exemplify the virtues of the middle class.教师是中产阶级美德的典范。They hope to win mass support among the middle class.他们希望能赢得中产阶级的广泛支持。Women of his own middle class found him overwhelmingly attractive.同属中产阶级的女性觉得他的魅力令人难以抗拒。Members with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.成员中中产阶级下层出身的很多。They consider themselves to be middle class.他们认为自己属于中产阶级。The middle class must reach out with more empathy and concern to the lower class.中产阶级必须对下层阶级给予更多的同情和关注。The black middle class must now reach out with more empathy and concern to the lower class.黑人中产阶级眼下必须对底层社会倾注更多的同情和关心。The middle class was demanding for a Bill of Rights to entrench personal liberty.中产阶级正要求有一个能保证个人自由的 《权利法案》。The civil service became the preserve of the educated middle class.政府部门的工作成了受过良好教育的中产阶级人士的专属工作。The family's social status is middle class.这个家庭的社会地位是中产阶级。His father had suggested several eligible middle class girls to him.他父亲向他提议了几个理想的中产阶级的女孩子。Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.党内积极分子中中产阶级下层出身的很多。This led to the creation of a new, affluent middle class.这就促使了一个新的富裕的中产阶级的形成。The educated middle class led the move towards democracy.受过教育的中产阶级领导着争取民主的潮流。The newspaper's readers are mostly middle class.那份报纸的读者大都是中产阶级。Many of the girls were from middle class families who had fallen on hard times.许多女孩出身于家道中落的中产阶级家庭。All the best revolutionaries have been middle class.所有最优秀的革命家都来自中产阶级。The growth of the middle class forced a social revolution. 中产阶级的发展壮大引发了一场社会革命。Somewhere between the poles of wealth and poverty is the average middle class.界乎贫富两极之间的是一般的中产阶层。The relative size of the middle class has been steadily shrinking.中产阶级的相对规模正逐步缩小。He made a study of the position of the middle class in Britain.他研究过英国中产阶级的状况。The image of the civil service as a male, middle class bastion is now outdated.政府部门是中产阶级男性的堡垒,这种形象现在已不合时宜了。The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle class.文法学校招生时偏向于录取来自中产阶级家庭的孩子。Many think the lunatic fringe has really harmed the public image of gays among the middle class.许多人认为极端分子大大损害了中产阶级中同性恋者的公众形象。He belongs to the lower middle class.他来自中产阶级下层。The new middle class consolidated its wealth and power.新兴中产阶级巩固了自己的财富和权力。His message about moderation and the middle class captured the attention of the press, which anointed him front-runner.他关于中庸和中产阶级的观点引起媒体的注意,使他成为获胜的热门人选。The woman sounded middling young and lower middle class.听起来这位女士还算比较年轻,属中产阶级下层。The tax burden has been falling increasingly on the middle class. 税收负担越来越多地压在中产阶层的头上。This new tax affects the middle class and, to a lesser extent, the rich.这一新税种影响到中产阶层,其次对富人也有一定影响。Legal segregation may be gone, but the idea of segregation survives, as middle class black families shun white areas, preferring to live in suburbs of their own.法律上的种族隔离也许是不存在了,但种族隔离的观念仍未消失,黑人中产阶级家庭会避开白人住宅区,宁愿住在自己人聚居的郊区。




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