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词汇 mid
例句 We'll be there in mid-August.我们八月中旬会在那儿。The risk of a mid-air collision over central London has increased dramatically.飞机在伦敦市中心上空发生相撞事故的风险急剧增加。In mid-March, the crowds begin to descend.三月中旬,人群开始大批涌入。People living near the crash scene paid no attention when they heard the aircraft's engine cut out in mid-air.住在失事地点附近的居民听见这架飞机的引擎在半空中停下时并未加以注意。Refuelling cargo planes in mid-air saves valuable time in shipping matériel to the front.通过给货机空中加油可以在将军需物品送往前线时节省宝贵的时间。A mid-life crisis can be a late grab at fading youth or sexual fulfilment.中年危机可以表现为对消逝的青春或性满足迟来的争取。We got an early-/mid-/late-afternoon flight.我们乘坐的是下午一两/三四/五六点钟的飞机。He's having a mid-life crisis.他正经历中年危机。Cut the branches in mid or late summer.在仲夏或夏末剪掉树枝。Emma cut him off in mid-sentence.他的话说到一半就被埃玛打断了。He seemed to be suspended in mid-air.他看起来似乎悬浮在半空中。Refuelling a plane in mid-air is a tricky business.给飞机空中加油是件难度很高的事。Joe had a low, guttural voice with a mid-Western accent.乔嗓音低沉沙哑,说话还带有中西部口音。The heat of mid-afternoon was beating on the roof.午后的热浪直扑屋顶。She's retired, but she's only in her mid-50s.她已经退休,但她只有五十四五岁。Her attacker is described as white, in his mid-fifties and with medium-length dark hair.她描述说对她行凶的是一个白人,年龄在五十四五岁左右,留着中等长度的黑发。She is in her mid-eighties.她现在大约八十五岁。This species of satyr butterfly was found only in a small area of the mid-Atlantic region of the United States.只有在美国中大西洋地区的一小片地区才找到了这种眼蝶蝴蝶。The bird stopped and hovered in mid-air.鸟儿停了下来,在半空中盘旋。She wore a full mid-calf skirt.她穿着一条长及腿肚的宽松裙子。I met a boy in his mid-twenties and we started dating.我遇到了一个二十五六岁的小伙子,然后我们开始约会。It's nothing like what happened in the mid-Seventies.这丝毫不像七十年代中期发生的事情。She tried to explain, but he interrupted her in mid-sentence.她试图去解释,但他却在她话说一半时就打断了她。He's in his mid-twenties.他二十五岁左右。His hand froze in mid-gesture.他的手势做了一半就僵住了。The mid-sixties were a turning point in sports car design.六十年代中期是跑车设计的一个转折点。The plane just disintegrated in mid-air.飞机在半空中解体了。She stopped in mid-sentence.她话说到一半停住了。Derby remain becalmed in mid-table.德比一直在中游徘徊。Tony's habitual laziness became even more extreme in winter, and he would sometimes stay in bed until mid afternoon.托尼懒惰成性,到了冬天更加变本加厉,有时候会在床上待到下午很晚的时候。It was all irrelevant, but I didn't dare interrupt him in mid-flow.他说的完全不相干,可是我不敢中途打断他。Llewelyn broke off in mid-sentence.卢埃林一句话说了一半突然停下来。He's in the throes of a mid-life crisis that makes him pretty hard to live with.他正处于中年危机的痛苦时期,很难与他一起生活。She spoke in a soft mid Atlantic accent.她说话柔柔的,英美口音都有。Tokyo is extremely humid in mid-summer.仲夏的东京十分潮湿。The thief must be as bold as brass to have carried out a robbery at mid-day.这窃贼居然在中午光天化日之下行劫,一定是胆大包天。He must have been around his mid-forties at least, but he'd worn well.他至少该有四十五六岁了,不过显得很年轻。Their wine glasses frozen in mid-air, they all stared at me.他们把酒杯停在半空中,目不转睛地看着我。I'm surprised they don't catch their death of cold, walking around with bare midriffs in mid-winter.他们数九寒天穿着露腰装四处闲逛,我真奇怪他们居然不得重感冒。He has an infuriating habit of interrupting people mid-sentence.他有个令人窝火的习惯,总是话到半句把你打断。




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